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As I turn the corner running all I keep replaying in my head is I don't want to die in a fucken side walk ,I don't want to die in the fucken side walk I bump to someone which sends me crashing as I stand up fast I realised I bumped to an old man his grey brows pinch together.

"Slow down child ,what's chasing you ?" I look behind my back the scary stranger with a huge knife is gone fuck did I imagine him" I am so sorry sir I...I really thought I saw someone" i stutter through my words he looks behind me it confirms there is no one following me.

Picking up my school bag I don't slow down for anything I run to School with the day fading away I couldn't focus for shit at school maybe I did imagine him. I power walk home praying to a God I haven't believed in that Zeke's home looking side to side and behind me I confirm that no one is following me.

I unlock the door before i close it someone kicks it in so hard sending me flying across the small apartment I don't have to look behind me to know who it is I just know ,fear paralyze me as I look back his eyes on me on the floor the shiny sliver blade in his hand. I start sweating i should pray maybe just maybe there is heaven I know he's going to kill me.

"I am going to ask you this once Nigger be careful how you answer me "my mouth goes try I swallow and nod my head where is Zeke when I need him.
"Where is my fucken car " his voice is low yet deep "I...I... don't know" he moves lighting fast backhanding me across the face.

My petite body moves across the floor as I clutch my face ,throbbing pain in the side of my face ,fuck that's going to leave a bruise " I am going to ask you again a wrong answer will earn you a stab wound "my body goes on fight mode I stand up thinking I could run to my room . I am pulled back by my braids he drags me to the kitchen I let out a scream I kick and writhe trying to free myself from him.

He loses his balance and crashes on the floor with me before I can stand up he's on me fast his body pressed hard against mine we face to face now I see his eyes pure hatred then I feel something on my thigh oh my God he's hard.

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