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After Abel and I found one of the hooligans I didn't mean to lose my temper and stab him right on the street he said the witch's name he was about to tell Abel about that night about what she did to me in all my anger I remember that they took a video.

If Abel finds out about it i know the punishment for me will be death I need to thread careful so I find my car the video without Abel knowing.

"Let's go brother " Abel tells me we know police won't do shit as my grandfather has connection in the highest of places I stand up get in the car we drive off.

"Now that you killed that one he didn't say much " there are two left one of them is bound to talk before they die " you really love this car I have known you your whole life I have never seen you this mad" it's personal we can't have people think they can take things from us without consequences we Knoxville after all" you right about that ,let's go get you your car back".

We drive around the neighbourhood for hours I didn't mention that I know where they live I don't know why I didn't mention that I just didn't i want to deal with girl on my own but her brother I am going to enjoy burning him I have stake waiting for him back in the compound.

"Let's call it a day we can come back tomorrow I want to talk to Kylie about the wedding " I can't believe you getting married " he says a few months ago I was excited about being married but now I don't know if I want get married I am a man of my word so I will go through with it and be a good husband to Kylie.

"How come you never married " I ask him " I did get married my wife was then killed the next day when we found out she was not pure as we thought " my blood freeze's thinking about what she took from me ,  now I am dirty and have tasted sin but somehow I want more of it more of her maybe I can have her before she dies.

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