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His eyes widen as he realised what he has done as reality hits him he stands dressing up fast leaving like someone is chasing him when I look at the door I realised I was just assaulted with door wide open no one came to help ,that hits me more than what just happened I let go sobbing on the floor.

I stand up on shakey legs as I look for another pair of clothes I need to go pay the bills then come up with a plan on what I am going to do.i dress up I am so numb I don't even want to cry anymore I go to pay to have my lights and gas back on winter is harsh in Maine I really can't wait to move where it's sunny everyday ,where my life is not in constant danger.

Getting back to my apartment I take out pasta a jar of tomato sauce I will have that for dinner while i wait for the water to be hot with everything hitting me at once the stranger came here to kill me then he...attacked me.

While i have a shower my dumb useless junkie of a brother comes home with a bag of fast food I dress up in a thick coat that belonged to my grandmother it's a little bit big and beige but rather that than hypothermia.

"I was going to pay the bills Mani,i told you I was going to make a plan " I don't say anything "we need to talk" yeah like what the fuck happened to the door "he was here " he walks closer to me now seeing the bruise in my face.

"He wants his car back okay ,you need to give him back his car "what did he do exactly ?"other than breaking the door,attacking me" he sighs running his hand on his fade like he's thinking " I have insurance okay I will make sure he doesn't come here again I will threaten to tell his people they will kill him seeing him with you " and what about me what am I suppose to do until then I am not safe he's dangerous and wants me dead ".

My brother grabs me in a bear hug "I will protect you Mina he won't put his hands on you again I will make a plan " Jesus Zeke and his plans I don't say anything I just nod "let's have dinner I bought food".

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