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6 months later.

I wake up with someone calling my name with a groan I try to ignore it but the voice is getting louder"Imani" it's Luke I just know the old man is been trying to get Sophia on a date she has refused everytime saying she's taking care of me.

I might be 6 and half months pregnant but I am not sick even thou I am sick as dog through out the day whoever came up with the word Morning sickness was clearly not a woman as I have been sick all day the vomiting the aches I can't wait to be done so I can let Sophia have this baby.

She's the only reason I kept this baby in the first place when I found out I was pregnant I was ready to abort but she was never able to have kids she begged me to keep it she will take the baby then I can leave to wherever as I am on the run I did tell her the truth some of it left out the gruesome parts but she knows people are after me she knows I can't stay but I will give her this child then disappear.

Finally getting the strength to walk to the door I open It I see the always smiling man in the door with bags of food.

"afternoon there Imani I am sorry I didn't know you were sleeping ?"it's Fine Luke I just was not feeling well today " this pregnancy sure beating your ass I remember when my ex wife was pregnant with our first she also always sick"he says with a chuckle I nod not knowing what to say " she will be down in a minute I am sure she was excited about your date" that brings a smile to the man he is in his late forties his hair already white he is a Big man 6'4 with big shoulders.

Not a minute later Sophia comes down stairs " you sure you going to be alright" I will be fine I promise I will just be in bed a watch a movie" with that she hugs me and they both leave.

I walk back in the house I hear the car pulling away after they gone I go upstairs to continue my nap as my back is hurting all of the sudden . I hear loud bang afterwards that Can't be Sophia the hair in the back of my neck stand up it can't be.

I walk down stairs and there in the bottom of the stairs the  stranger standing there with a big knife

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