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I sit there for a little while as I curl myself on the floor for the first I am scared of losing this child I am carrying for the first time I touch my stomach with worry and fear on what I am going to do I start crying minutes later I hear someone walking sitting up thinking it's the stranger I find Sophia standing there.

She runs to me crouching on my side "oh sweetie what happened" he..he found me" I stutter as I let myself cry in her arms she doesn't ask me anything just let's me cry "he found me I am not safe baby is not safe"He won't come back here to hurt you again "what if he hurts you I can...never "no don't worry about that I will organise few people to come and guard us okay come off the floor now and get to bed it's going to be alright"

She walks me to the bed I want to believe her it's going to be alright I really want to I fall asleep minutes later with her holding me in her arms.

I wake to quite voices looking outside it's night time I have been asleep for hours I wake up I put sweatpants on as I rush to pee with my stomach growling I have no choice but to walk downstairs when I get to the kitchen I see Sophia ,Luke and 3 other big guys I have seen in town they all look at me and stop their conversation as Sophia walks up to me giving me a warm hug.

"You must be hungry ,how are you feeling?" I am hungry " they all move to the living room "don't worry they here to protect us "I don't want anyone getting hurt because of me " they all former military if he shows up here again he will be the one getting hurt now eat ".

I eat chicken I made yesterday my mind replaying what happened this afternoon he was really going to Kill me I am not going to let Him hurt my baby I might have not wanted this child but  she/he is innocent.

After dinner I have decided that I need a gun under my pillow trying to convince Sophia is hard but she gives in I walk upstairs straight to the bathroom I shower getting ready for bed as exhaustion takes over me wearing nothing but I towel I walk in my bedroom when I feel a big wall behind me hands on my mouth panicked as  I hear a deep voice.

"Sssh I won't hurt you ,don't scream " how did he get in when there is people downstairs "I just want to talk" I nod as fear grips me he walks to my bed sitting down he's wearing all black with a black hoodie.

"You really sure it's mine?"shocked by the unexpected question and the fact that he's talking to me without wanting to kill me " Yes it's yours" he stands up walking to me I walk back until I hit the wall "and you kept it even though it's mine " I didn't want to keep at first but Sophia will give this baby a good life" you giving it up?" With a dry throat I swallow before answering that question.

"Yes " as I look at his eyes while they stare at my soul with his hand reaches putting his hand on tummy gently brushing it over my baby decides it's good time to give a kick his face changes as he looks at me I don't move as I don't know how to act at this moment.

He smiles as he feels the baby moving shocking me even more the is a knock on my door breaking this moment his face changes again.

"Imani are you alright?" I look at the stranger not knowing what to say but he moves off me I move to the door "yes I am okay I am calling it a night"
As Look back the stranger is gone.

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