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We in some abandoned apartment buildings I found the witch's brother he was passed out high Abel has been beating him for the past 20 minutes all I can think about its the phone I can't ever let anyone see that video.

"Where is the fucken car boy !!!" Abel's deep voice booms echoing in this empty space "Fuck you " the fucken hooligan says he's got balls I will give him that " I am not going to ask you again ?"Abel brings out his favourite hunting knife the bloody son of bitch starts laughing like it's the funniest thing ever I lose my patience walking to him i hit straight in face with a hard blow he practically flies of the chair hitting the concrete floor hard he goes still.

"Fuck I think you killed him Blaze " He's not dead just out of it, let me get his phone maybe I can get leads from that " oh I already have his phone" Abel says in a knowing voice "and for your sake I am not going to tell your grandfather " I look at him turning red with anger also embarrassed.

"I saw the videos I was also looking for leads when one of the boys picked this piece of shit up to my surprise you have a little dirty secret "my nostrils flare I am ready to fight Abel but I know I can't kill him I will be banished from the community or worse.

"so you will go find this bitch bring her back to the compound where she will be properly dealt with ,I won't show this to anyone but you need this I saw what they did to you "still saying nothing I let him continue "I will tell your grandfather you on a lead for your car while i ask him to postpone your upcoming nuptials but you do not step foot in that compound without that bitch or I will show this to everyone" with that he leaves me standing there walking away with Roger one of the brothers.

The man on the ground makes sound groaning with a new mission in mind I take out my knife and get ready to work I need him to tell me where his fucken sister is.

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