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With a plan in motion I wait down the narrow road I hope she understands what I am about to do. Its for her and the baby safety if my calculations are okay she's not due for another month so I can kidnap her ,get rid of Abel then bring her back before the baby is due.

The moon is out tonight clear skies I can see the stars I believe the almighty approves of this plan 12 am turns into 1am she's still not her I wait patiently in my Jeep trying hard not to get pissed as I am doing this for her  to save her if by 2 she's not here I will have no choice but go and get her in that old lady's house.

Another minute pass by the I see a shadow of a person making its way to me down this gravel road I blast my lights so she can see it's me she's a bit startled as she shields her eyes i let out a breath as I was holding seeing that she came ,my heart skips a bit she's here she came I get out of the Jeep with every intention of helping her inside seeing she's short and is carrying a bit of extra weight.

I walk close to her she steps back I step so close I can smell her blueberry flavour not able to contain the smile on my face I grin " I am here so talk " she says looking up at me "I am Blaze " I tell her she's looks at me for a minute " I figured that out from your letter "I was not expecting you to come " I say in my calmest voice possible "Well I came " there are people coming after you, when I found you I told someone I know he's coming " her face drops as the fear in her eyes visible.

"My baby and Sophia don't deserve any of this " I promise you " I step close to her as I take her small hand into mine bringing it to my mouth giving soft kisses "I am going to protect you "my other hand goes to her tummy "this baby" No one will touch you ,no one "she doesn't pull her hand away or step away from my touch she shivers making me hard in instant.

She swallows"what about Sophia she has been good to me ,she doesn't deserve any harm coming to her"my eyes find her beautiful eyes it's strange to admit that I find her absolutely beautiful.

"I didn't tell them about her I can promise you they won't hurt her" she tries to argue I silence her slamming my lips to hers she's shocked her body freezes I bring my hands to her waist bringing her body close to me she opens her mouth I deepen the kiss burning with desire I have never understood for this woman,I kiss her hard I bring her legs around my waist gently move her to the hood of my Jeep.

She kisses me back with the same passion ,desire I am feeling for her with a sense of urgency her hands go to my jacket trying to touch me skin and all.

Then she pulls away her sense coming back to her "No what am I doing?" She asks herself I feel her pulling away then with no choice I take out the small scuff with safe for pregnant woman drug and put it in her face closing her mouth and nose her eyes widen as she tries to fight me but it's pointless she goes limp in my arms.

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