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I am left there in the verge of tears it's definitely hormones because I don't cry I am a big girl I can take care of me. His words left no room to dispute he says it to me and he means it.

With everything in me I believe him tears start falling on their own next thing I know I am
In the heave of sobs I have never had someone protect me ,just yesterday I was running from him now I have to put my life in his hands.

I go to the small bedroom to lay down a bit I need this baby to be born because now my emotions are all over the place I see myself with this guy because I know he will
Protect me.

I dose off on my thoughts the next time I wake up it's dark "Blaze " I call out "I am here " he says I see his big form by the window only the moonlight shining through in this room.
Wherever we are it's a bit chilly.

I sigh as I go lie down again I feel the bed dip as he joins me in bed laying next to me so close I smell him, I can feel his face turn to me I turn to face him as well we so close we breathing each other's breath.I
Am sure mines smells funky because I have been sleeping half of the day.

What he does next shocks me he kisses me tentatively I let him it's soft and gentle different experience of what I have been having from him.
I let him lead as I kiss him back willingly.

His hand goes over my breast slowly exploring my now changed body I am carrying extra weight on me,but I feel so comfortable with him as I have come to learn he does what he says.

We make out for a couple of minutes out of breath and extremely horny I blurt out "I want you"I whisper in his lips
"I don't want to hurt you or the baby" you won't " I answer take me from the back I will comfortable that way.

No need to be told twice he's off the bed taking off his clothes I do the same the next minute he's on me.
"You so beautiful " he whispers "you two I see
You ,I see all of you "
As position myself putting a pillow under my stomach to be more comfortable.

Then I feel him behind me he slaps my ass hard I wimp as it jiggles the next thing I feel his member breaking through.

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