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When my eyes lock with the witch my heart rate picks up it's the first time I have laid eyes on her since that day in her apartment she is absolutely beautiful standing there in what looks like a huge white t shirt with only socks in her feet her eyes widen as she tries to run back to room I run after her blood pumping in my veins.

I got her I finally found her my life is a mess I have been kicked out of the compound the only way to redeem myself is to bring her to the compound so I can execute her in front of everyone so I can marry Kylie .

She tries to lock the door but I kick it she fly's through the room and makes a pain sound as she lands hard on the floor.

I stalk to her as she tries to sit up try to run from me the T-shirt rise up and i see her thighs "please no my baby "I am cut of in my rage when she says that as I look at her properly look at her she has gained a bit of weight she's glowing when I look at her again I see bump.

She's pregnant it should have been the first thing I have noticed when I saw her my eyes widen as my heart rate picks up she's pregnant.

With my knife in one hand I crouch down to be her height as she's sitting on the floor her beautiful eyes filled with fear I touch her stomach making sure it is what I am seeing.

She freezes underneath my touch as we lock eyes "Are you with child ?" Tears start falling from her face as she nods at me I have never seen her cry I have seen her beg but never cry I move my hand as I use my thumb to wipe the tear falling from her beautiful face.

"I will make it quick I promise" she starts shaking her head "please no ,let me give birth no ,no"yes"I start to raise my hand she screams "it's yours ,it's yours please"that stops me in my track how can it be mine I have not seen her in 6 and half months.

"You lying " I am not I am almost 7 months pregnant I have been on the run since it's your baby that day in my..."I don't let her continue as I remember that day I remember her heat I stand up disoriented as I walk back leaving that house.

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