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It took me a whole month to track these Nigger hooligans down, I couldn't explain the extended business trips to Kylie.

They stole the only thing my father left me for that I will burn them alive that's not even the worse part no that girl-child took something that wasn't hers something that was mean't for Kylie for our wedding night.

Her death will be the slowest colour me shocked after finding out Miss Blackie here was in a high school how does a high school girl know how to do that ,she tainted me for that I will kill her last slow my dreams are haunted with what she did to me fucken bitch.
After I paid a few people to get me the information they were more scared of what Foxwood will do than this fuckers who stole my fucken car and something far far valuable.

I drive home done with today's information gathering I can't put off seeing Kylie any longer she will know something is wrong with our wedding a month away ,I just wish I could tell her so we can move on ,tell her how she was not my first some black bitch stole that from her.

Foxwood Community was founded in the 1970s after my great grandfather wanted nothing to do with a changing world he believed in disciplined and purity that's what Foxwood we do not believe in mix racing unless it's business we deal in weed no heavy staff our product it's off high quality Foxwood.

The Ten foot wall comes by my view the gate is heavily guarded with four man armed with assault rifles no one comes in here ,no outsiders you don't leave unless you got business only man do business woman take care of the home since I turned twenty two pressure is been on me to get married and start a family Kylie and I grew up together my grandfather said she will make a good wife I agree.

As I make my way I pass by our small town we have everything we need so we don't have socialise with the outside dirty world then as you drive further away the houses begin cottage style houses once you turn eighteen as a man you leave your home to leave in the Main house with other man until you marry you given land to build and start a family a month ago I was excited on doing that with Kylie now I am just mad she did that with warm tight hole so tight I still feel it gripping my cock that bitch I am getting hard fuck not again.

It's a bueatiful afternoon when I get to the main house I find Kylie waiting for me fuck "Blaze I haven't seen you in a week "she talks with her head bowed her bueatiful sunshine kissed hair is held back in a tight bun since she's unmarried she's required to wear a long white dress to show her purity.

I hold her chin up palms sweating to look at her bueatiful blue eyes "I am sorry love I have been looking for my father's car you know we fixed that up I can't just let people steal from me thinking that there is no consequences " she sighs "I know I just thought you will help me with the wedding since it's only a month away " as I said anything you want ,you get okay anything all I want to do is be married to you my mind right now is finding my car I am so close on finding it" her eyes light up she I plant a feather light kiss on her mouth.

"I love you can I go shower then maybe we can have dinner together?" Yeah of course my love ,"she smiles as I get to my room I have my own bathroom the other man share a communal showers I don't as my name provides me such privileges I even have a small Kitchenette.

I peal of my clothes straight to the shower I try so hard not give in and touch my self thinking of that thief but I do she's stolen everything from me.

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