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Walking up and down in this hospital corridor was the last thing that was in my mind when this night started I don't care how People are looking at me right me I just need to know if I'mani and the baby are okay.

Mr Blaze I turn around seeing the Doctor she double checks if she's seeing correctly as I only listed my first name not last name "Yes are they okay " The baby is in he had trouble breathing but his condition is stable, the mother who you listed as I'mani had excessive bleeding we had to do transfusions but she is stable you can see them both" I release a breath I didn't know I was holding.

I walk behind the Doctor as she takes me to the Nicu first to see my son I did imagine having kids but not like this what kind of life is this baby going to have with a teenage mother and Thug Father I ask myself all of sudden fearing for this baby's future.

We walk around the Nicu and I see him so tiny and pink endless pipes coming out of him his small chest rising my heart falls "he's so small" as I approach the incubator he's in "Can I touch him ?" Asking the Doctor unsure at this moment "Yes you can " she says as I touch his small hand with my finger his little hand grasp my finger in a strong hold I smile coz that's definitely my son and he's going to be alright.

At this moment I will burn down the world for him and his mother looking back the Doctor is smiling at me " we can proceed " she did look a little weary of me I don't blame her I look a mess bloody and all.I look back at my baby again "You can come back see him " Thank you "

We make our way to I''mani she's sleeping peacefully and God she's beautiful her hair all of the pillow no worry in the world I sit besides her and watch her thinking of how did we get here she startled and wakes up "Sssh go back to sleep " Blaze" Yes " You okay " she asks her voice not more than a whisper "The baby " he's fine he's in the Nicu but doctors assure me he's going to be fine " she smiles a little "a he you say " Yeah " but the nursery is pink we thought it was a girl, I need to call Sophia to let know it's a boy and he came early "

"You need to rest I will call her "I need to see him " you can't even keep your eyes open as soon as you fine you will see him I will be with him nothing will happen I promise "Is it over ?" She asks me should I lie to her "No I know what need do, it might get me killed at least both of you will be safe " What do you mean killed ?" Rest please will talk about it more when you up "

what she doesn't know is I might not be here when she wakes up I need to end this to keep her safe I need to go Kill my grandfather and I might not survive that war.

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