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I wake up with my head pounding the first thing I see is wood ceiling,where the fuck am I ?the last thing I remember is the letter ,me walking to meet..oh fuck I panic that motherfucker I try to sit up to get a clear picture of where am I.

My mouth dry I see a glass of water next to me I realise I am in a bed still fully dressed I wonder where this bastard took me. A few minutes later the door opens and Blaze walks in

"Good you awake ,I was worried there for a minute you slept a long time" .
Before I can think about it I throw the glass of water straight to his head.

"You crazy motherfucker you kidnapped me "standing up from the bed he ducks and the glass hits the floor doesn't break as it hits the hardwood floor ,I take the next thing close to me a bed side lamp throwing it at him he ducks that too and that anger's me he looks at me but it's not a look like he wants to kill me no he's amused.

"Calm down we don't want you having the baby now " you are fucken taking me back right now ,right this fucken moment " he ignores me walking to the dresser nearby dropping a paper bag I realise it's food then my stomach starts growling.

"Don't worry I kinda of left a letter for Sophia that you with the father of your child so..." I don't let him finish I jump on him with every intent of gauging his eyes out I am fucken done with this man he can kill me now for all of care.

He catches me midair while my hands try to gauge him his hands land softly on my waist I regret that decision as I hit his hard body ,"stop it you will hurt yourself and the baby "wrapping my legs around him is impossible since my tummy is in the way unless he helps me . He's holding me midair like I weigh 5 pounds before he sets me down on the bed my eyes never leaving his.

"Now let's start over again okay don't attack me" he warns so close I feel his breath on my face then I remember him kissing me ,his hands on me him inside me. God what is wrong with me this man tried to kill me. Forgetting all of that before he can get another word out of his mouth I crash my lips on his.

His eyes widen for a second but then they soften he kisses me back soft at first I kiss him harder he kisses me back with the same passion we fucking with our mouth and I am getting horny his hands go exploring on as they touch my big but tender breast I moan on his mouth he stops kissing me pulling back.

Then looks at me his nostrils flares before I can say anything "I bought you food , you should eat" then he leaves the room.

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