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Two weeks pass without seeing the stranger everytime I go to town I feel eyes on me for some reason the hairs in the back of my neck stand up ,I know someone is watching me I am paranoid everytime I am outside.

It was my doctor's appointment today he basically put me on bed rest ,as I have been stressed he's worried about my high blood pressure he even prescribed a safe sleeping pills during pregnancy the bags under my eyes were a give away that I was not sleeping.
Sophia my designated nurse has been worried about me while I am worried about her and the baby.

Walking to my to my room I let Sophie know I will have a quick shower then catch a nap " I will come wake you up for Dinner " please just let me rest if you find me sleeping, am tired, I want this baby out of me " she smiles big at me.

" Oh she will come" how do you know it's a girl " I don't i am just guessing,she better be a girl as the nursery is pink " we both smile while I let out a little chuckle.

I shower and put on an oversize Shirt groggy I make my way to the bed minutes later I am asleep. I don't know how long I have been asleep when I feel warmth behind then big hands move me closer to the warmth while the hands go on my belly.

" What you carrying Is an abomination" I think I hear the Stranger's voice behind me while his hands gently brush my belly I try to say something but my mouth is dry eyes heavy the sleeping pills are really making me woozy " my people are coming for you ,when I found you I told them where you are , thinking I could redeem my name get back to the compound...".

He goes quite again his hand gently brushing my belly in circular motion his hot breath in my neck.

I panic too weak to fight I try to say something ,I try to scream" ssshh I am not going to ever hurt you ,whoever is coming for you and this baby will go through me" then warm lips kiss the back of my neck then he murmures beautiful before I know it he's gone.

I wake up from a deep sleep rested my mind goes back to last night did I dream the whole thing with the stranger was I that tired. I make my way to the bathroom when I see a piece of paper on the other side of the bed neatly folded I immediately no I didn't dream last he was here in my bed ,while I was sleeping.

With Shakey hands I pick up the piece of paper in a messy handwriting.

"Meet me tonight down the road ,I need to talk to you"


What in the actual fuck!! He's lost his damn mind if he thinks I am meeting him at night alone after he tried to kill me a couple of times, hell no.

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