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I wake to a sharp pain on my lower tummy I am wet From sweat as I sit up , I see I am alone in bed it's dark and windy not wanting to make any noise I get out of bed. Boom the first gunshot I hear I freeze they found us my heart starts to beating erratically.

Pain hits me again I hold my tummy praying this baby is not coming now boom another gun shot My mind runs to blaze I walk to the small kitchen it's dark my steps are tentative I don't want to make any noise, Until i know who it is.

I pick up the first thing I see in the stove it's a pan I will hit whoever walks in that door , the next thing I know the door comes down hard as two figures fly inside the small cabin.

I can make out Blaze's blonde hair and this other guy has dark.

A fist fight ensues as both man try to take each other down before I can move a more intense pain hits me and I scream not helping it both man look my way the other one smiling like yes I have found you.

I move closer to the two because frankly I am tired of running I need sleep and he is attacking my man not happening.

They now in a fight to get to me I swing the pan hitting the other guy on the back on his head helping Blaze , Blaze is on top of the guy as he snaps the guys' head with a menacing sound.

My water breaks immediately the pain intensifies Blaze looks at me with concern he rushes to me "you okay " I touch him and he's wet but it's not raining I realise he's wet from blood another contraction hits me I realise this baby is coming.

"The baby is coming Blaze " his eyes widen he turns red " What no?"yes now" wait I will get the car " no it's too late for that you need to help me ,help me give birth"

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