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As I drive to the compound my heart is beating out of my chest I am having trouble breathing that bitch did something to me why do I act like a monster every time I am around her.

I walk to the praying chambers hoping my grandfather is there I need to talk to him maybe he can send some of the brothers to look for my car clearly I can't think straight when I am near that girl. I find him standing by  the pulpit kneeling until he gives me permission to rise and address him.

"Grandfather I need help" what's bothering you my son " A month ago I was attacked by hooligans coming from the the run they stole my car I have been looking for it to no avail " why didn't you come to me with this eailer " I thought I could do it on my own " Son you can't do nothing on your own do you have leads " I do".

"I will get some of the brothers to it don't worry about it we will punish them accordingly " somehow that doesn't settle well with me the thought of that girl being hurt even though she's impure and a witch she's a victim also but I do not have a choice than to release hell on them to find my car. I thank my grandfather before leaving.

As I make my way to the living courters I am ambushed by Bishop Sain who's Kylie's father women are not allowed to roam the compound after sunrise "Blaze I was just going to see your grandfather thank the holy one I ran to you " Yes Bishop is there something I can help you with " my daughter seems worried that you changed your mind about the wedding ".

My heart starts picking up as guilt smashes into to me the thought not only did I lose my purity I went back to that witch I took her she's going have to die because I don't think I can stop myself. I look at Bishop Sain "she has nothing to worry about my commitment to her still stands in the next two weeks She will become my wife".

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