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Pain seizes me pain I have never imagined knocks me off my feet Blaze is there to catch me as he gently picks me up bridal style " I need to get you to the hospital " I know I agree with him but words fail me I see fire in the stillness of the night the cabin is on fire.

He runs me to his Jeep
Opens the back seat to lay me gently I scream again as another wave of contractions hit me.

"Something is wrong I tell him it's too early for the baby to come" I know " he says his voice so low it is nearly a whisper he starts the car stepping on gas "We ten minutes away from the Hospital I need you to hold for me , I know you strong " another contractions hits me I get the edge to push and I push another contraction hits I push "we almost there baby ".

I am lost in my pain I don't hear it when we stop i get the edge to push again but I can't I feel weak I need to close my eyes for a second I am yanked from the backseat as he picks me up gently"we here stay with me baby okay stay with me " he says but I am fading he runs with me inside I hear him scream help she's in labour and it's early.

I am laid in bed as I see the lights i try to call him but not to leave me He's here holding my hand his unworldly eyes full of worry. I have never seen this side of him he surprised me today when I look at him again I see he's wet blood is he hurt I try to talk again but I am weak I can't fight anymore.

I get another contraction again that wakes me up I need to push but I can't "save my baby " I say to
The lady in scrubs she looks at with a smile and advise me to stop pushing I try to , I try to say something again I am weak again noises of voices people talking they talking I can't hear them.

The blinding lights was the last thing I saw when I tried to push again. I don't know how long I was out the beep of the Machine wakes me "Try to relax everything is going to be fine " I hear a woman's voice " My baby " I whisper as She says nothing to me "where is is my baby" she says nothing smiling at me I see what looks like a needle in her arm.

I try to stand up she pushes me down "Try to relax "she says as she injects me with a needle I am losing this battle fast as my world spins "My baby , Blaze" is the last thing I say before I lose consciousness.

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