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This is not how I planned everything out I didn't want her to Kiss me or me getting confused and wanting more she definitely did something to me.
I lose all senses when I am close to her.
I just want to be in her.

I can't lose focus not with Abel on my heels he knows I took her.He knows i am protecting her he definitely doesn't know about the baby which is good or The search will be intensified and her death will be bloody.

I will not let that happened that baby is innocent if I lose my life over it be it I am ready to meet my maker but I will make sure she's safe.

"Are you still mad that I kissed you ?" Startled from my thoughts the devil on my mind walks in the small
Kitchen table. I pretend I don't hear her I don't want to answer her I don't want to admit what I fear I feel for the this woman.

"I  know you can hear me stranger" I sigh as I get up to make my way out of the cabin I need air before I can walk out she rushes to me blocking my exit"we
Need to talk at some point about all this ,why am I here when will I go home" I do answer that "Until I get rid of Abel you can't go anywhere, but I have a plan trust me on that I will protect you and this baby "
As my hand goes to her tummy and as if my baby knows she kicks me "I will protect you with my life,now please can I take a walk I will be back"

Her eyes are teary I can see understanding in her face she has never had someone to protect her and I am here she knows it.

With that she moves out of my way I walk out to the cabin my plan is to get Abel here kill give him choice to leave her alone or I will have no choice but to kill him.

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