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"Do what i fucken Say  ,you don't want to get me mad baby sister I will shoot you in the legs" since he's high I know he's not kidding.

Looking at the stranger he's now beet red with anger I do as instructed i turn around pulling my thong down bending over putting my hands on my knees I use one of my hand to position the stranger hard dick on my entrance using my saliva as lube I am afraid of that thing going in me but I don't have a choice.

I sink back at him my core clenching around him as a involuntary moan leaves my mouth throwing my ass at him I am facing both my brother and Jose ,Jose's mouth is wide open while my brother has a smirk on his face I start slowly up and down then I do circles sort of like twerking my ass jiggles with each movement I look back at the stranger he's looking down at me both his hands holding his boot knuckles turning white it's midnight anyone can drive by and see me doing this shit.

I twerk on him up and down circles faster slow then I feel his cold hand gripping my waist then he pounds in me I scream as he's deep in my cervix I come around his cock my walls vice gripping his  huge cock he comes deep in me ropes and ropes of cum no sound coming from him as I look at him he's really, really mad.

"Fuuuck now I am hard as shit " Jose says "Shut up dude that's my fucken sister" is he serious after forcing me to do this "Good we got the video"I fix my clothing also fixing the stranger mouthing sorry to him ,he glares at me mouthing "I am going to kill you " he says.

I step  away from him as we get in his car driving off leaving him glaring at the car as it drives off disappearing in the cold air night.

"Zeke what the hell was that now I have to go to the pharmacy first thing in the morning I could have caught anything from that redneck " they both laugh "this car is going to bring us some serious cash your bills payed for the next fucken months don't say I don't do shit for you Mina ,you fucken piss me off " I know better than to argue with him like this.

He drops me at our apartment and I run to the shower scrubbing my brown skin until it's raw tears fall I don't usually cry  ,only three months remaining then I leave this fucken place I am done with my brother after everything he has done tonight takes the cake I fucken hate him I cry ,I cry until the water turns cold.

I step out drying myself I get to my bedroom i lock the door with a bolt lock i put my dresser in front in case he comes in here and starts shit with me at least tomorrow I don't have school i can sleep all fucken day.

I feel the sunlight beating hard on my face  I wake up putting on my oversized sweat pants and matching hoodie I put my long braids in a ponytail I look in the mirror I look like shit my eyes are puffy and red since my crying fiasco yesterday I step out to find Jose sleeping in the couch ,my brother making breakfast in the kitchen he looks up as sees me coming.

"Morning sis " he throws a packet at me I catch it "what's this?" I went to the pharmacy this morning they said all you need is there ,I am sorry about last night sis shit I don't know what came over me " he comes closer closing the distance between us he holds my chin I can't even look at him ,if I could I would stab him with a butter knife in his neck "I am sorry I promised to protect you and what I did yesterday was just...I am sorry sis you forgive me "he plants a soft kiss in my lips i feel bile coming up in my empty stomach I step back.

"It's fine what' you making? I am hungry" he looks at me with eyes I don't understand he's been looking at me like this since I turned fifteen and filled out he chased my one and only boyfriend away for unknown reasons I don't want to think my brother thinks of me like that it's vile.

"I am making bacon and eggs " he says Jose walks up to us at the small kitchen "Morning Goddess " I roll my eyes "Morning Jose " I don't know if I can look at you the same after last night you bad "my brother pins him a look and he shuts him the hell up.

"So did you get rid of the car " B didn't want it he lost his shit when he saw us walking in with that car so we hid it I am sure we will find a buyer " I really don't have a good feeling about this if Marco didn't want to mess with the Foxwood people car it's bad " Don't worry about Sis ,I got it under control Aiight"

I just nod and Pray to God that really that guy doesn't come back to kill me as he promised.

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