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The next morning I pack a bag a few clothing items what I know is I can't stay in this apartment I will go to Latisha's and lay low I have a gut feeling that he's not done.

I make sure I sneak out I don't want to explain myself to Zeke it's clear he can't protect me so I need to protect myself I walk a few blocks making sure I look back so he can't sneak up on me again I am about to turn when I see Jose walking the other side he doesn't see me with smoke in his hand He's walking with his head down.

I am about to say hi when a Black SUV stops in front of him a huge guy bigger than the stranger steps out I can't see him clearly bit his pale hair and all black clothes gives me an idea of where he's from I mean it's 10 am in the morning he can't do anything there are a few people walking around. He steps in front of Jose who's startle by his present they exchange a few words before the huge guy punches him straight in the face I stand frozen still.

Jose spits out something tries to fight back when the stranger comes out of the car I hold on to the building wishing the earth could open and swallow me the cold weather intensifies my fear but somehow I can't run I have to see this. The scary stranger says something to Jose who's clearly out of it they also exchange a few words Jose says something and the stranger loses it he takes out his knife going after Jose stabbing him in the side walk in broad daylight while the other guy just looks on.

My mind races as the seriousness of the situation hits me they killing Him probably coming after me and Zeke after I practically run to Latisha's banging on her door.

"Hold on I am coming you better explain why the hell you banging at my door so early in the morning" she opens up clearly annoyed when she sees it's me and the look on my face she doesn't say anything else she rushes me inside. My knees give in I sit in her couch eyes wide heart beating erratically maybe I am having a heart attack.

She comes sitting down next to me her eyes full of worry "Mani what's going on you look like you seen a ghost ".

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