Chapter 12

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"Have you found one?" Jacob says over the phone. I throw the used color contacts in the garbage and being to do my makeup.

"No. I was able to check ten different people at my first party. Why do you feel the need to check up on me?" I ask him, not hiding my irritation.

"Easy, Knight. I may be wanting to get you out of there before November," he says. I laugh, humorlessly.

"Bull shit," I state. I can almost hear him smiling over the phone.

"Truth is: we've got a problem that's happening near Stonegate," he says, and my heart leaps.

"Which is my territory. I hope you haven't assigned anyone to fix the problem yet," I say.

"Not yet," He says. I hear movement behind the bathroom door.

"I have to go," I say.

"I'll send you the information," he says.

"I'll be waiting," I say, and hang up. I put in some new color contacts in my eyes, covering my natural color and I blink for a minute to get used to the uncomfortable feeling. I finish my makeup and put on my eyeglasses before opening the bathroom door to see the girls hanging out on the beds, finishing getting ready for the sorority party. I smile at them.

"Hi," I say. They all wave at me.

"You almost ready, May Eve?" Amee asks.

"Yeah, I just need to change," I say while pulling out a mustard yellow dress from my closet. "So, why exactly are we invited to this party if we aren't part of the sorority?"

"Oh, this sorority invites everyone. But," Amee says, turning to Kate. I walk into the bathroom and quickly change. "What where you and Johnny talking about early today in the library?"

"Um, nothing. He was just explaining to me how he's creating this program," Kate answers.

"Did you see the way he was looking at her though?" Clarity says. I chuckle as I walk out of the bathroom.

"He is so twitter padded," I comment. I slip on some boots and puff up my curled hair.

"You guys-" Kate starts.

"It kind of made my heart hurt," Clarity says. Her and Amee giggle.

"Alright guys, knock it off," Irene says. Unlike everyone else- who is dressed neatly with more makeup on than usual- Irene is dressed in a plain tee and gray leggings.

"Aren't you coming to the party, Irene?" I ask.

"Uh, no. My head's just been pounding all day," she says.

"Didn't the Advil work?" Clarity asks. Irene shakes her head.

"I have some Tylenol," I offer.

"Oh, come on Irene. I'll let you wear that one sweater that you really like," Amee bribes. She walks to her closet and pulls out a cute burgundy sweater. "I was thinking about wearing it, but if it'll make you come...." I walk to my desk and grab the Tylenol and a water bottle.

"Take this, Irene. See if it helps," I say. She looks as if she wants to argue but decides to give in and takes the pills. I watch her eyes, stressed and tired looking, the aqua blue of her eyes is surrounded by a velvety black, something that most average humans don't have. "Irene, why do you have headaches all the time?" I ask her. Her eyes widen with surprise before she looks away from me, her face red.

"It's just stress, I think. Just migraines, you know," she says. I nod my head then smile at her.

"Well, you should still go! I mean what better way to ease the stress than a party?" I say with a sly smile.

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