Chapter 64

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Early on Monday morning, I learn that Johnny has left for Wyoming. I walk into a coffee shop in town with Shad and we both order something to drink. I rub the tiredness from my eyes, having stayed up all night again looking for the girl who can disappear in a split second, but the hallways remained quiet. We don't yet know what room she was last at. Shad is more quiet than usual, probably because he's as tired as I am. He stands and walks to the bathroom as I take a sip of an ice cold and sickly-sweet coffee, which makes me cringe. I stand and walk to the counter.

"Excuse me, I think I got my order mixed up with someone else's," I say to the barista.

"Oh, I'm sorry, what did you order?" She asks. I repeat my order when the door to the shop opens. The barista takes the mistaken order from me as May Eve walks up next to me. She smiles at me.

"Hi," she says.

"Hey," I say, noticing that she isn't in the standard uniform for class, but I know that she and Jesse share Miller's class, which is going on right now. "What are you up to?" I ask.

"Oh, I have some family event going on in Wyoming that I need to attend. How are you?" She asks.

"I'm alright," I say. She takes a small order. "Johnny's on his way to Wyoming as well," I say. She glances at me.

"Oh, right. Kate mentioned something about that. She didn't seem very happy about it," she says. The barista gives her, her order and she gives me another sweet smile, though her eyes seem to glint mischievously.

"I'll see you in a few days then," she says.

"See ya," I say. She turns, her hair flowing behind her and walks towards the exit. I smell the hint of rain before a storm, and I look towards the door which remains closed. I glance at May Eve, who waves at someone as she walks away. She has the right height, the right shape. Could it be possible?

Out of impulse, I reach out, grabbing her elbow and pull her back to me. She eyes are widen with shock and surprise. I cup my hand against her cheek, pulling her hair back, catching another whiff of rain. I'm sure. But not as sure as I'd like. I pull her closer to me, pressing my lips into hers. My heart flips as her tongue twists with mine. My heart does another lurch, not sure of whether I'm glad that I found the perp, or shocked that it's May Eve.

She comes to her senses in that one second we kiss and pushes away from me. I'm not sure whether to smile or be angry.

"You're the one," I whisper. Her jaw clenches, her eyes glare at me, and suddenly, I don't know her. She's not the kind, sweet, smiling May Eve that I know.

"You're good," she whispers, a brow raising. Even her voice is different from what it was a second ago. It's serious, an octave lower, more threatening. Suddenly I feel a painful prick in my side and I quickly step away from her, hitting her hand away. I look down to see a tiny syringe in my side. I groan, yanking it out right as May Eve turns on her heel and dashes out of the shop. I chase after her, both of us shoving our way through the crowd on the street. She's fast, she's trained, but I'm still able to stay right on her heels.

That is until she turns a corner, running down a less crowded alley way.

"May Eve, wait!" I shout, but it's too late. I barely reach the corner when I see her vanish, hearing a strong shift in the wind. My mouth drops open when I see a dark blue-black cloud of vape-smoke left in her wake, which vanishes within a few seconds. I try to rewind time but it's no use. She's deprived me of my abilities again, but this time I'm less worried, knowing that they will be back in an hour, or less because she injected a smaller dose.

I turn from the alley, rubbing my jaw. What the hell? I think. May Eve's the one who's been traveling from room to room, puncturing people? With what? What the hell is that stuff that keeps taking my abilities away? And why?

It's easy now, remembering how she stared at me, almost challenging me, to believe that she has a massive façade. But who is she? What is she doing? And should I tell the others?



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