Chapter 34

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I stand amongst the crowd listening to Scott's tosh story of how he had controlled the flames at the last party when I am suddenly pulled away from everywhere. I am turned to face a disheveled Amee whose cheeks are damp from tears and her eyes are red and puffy.

"I need your help," she says before I can say anything. She turns on her heel and marches into the house. I don't hesitate to follow her. Amee asking for help? That actually doesn't sound as unbelievable as it is, but I have recently been aware of an Amee that no one else knows.

She leads me towards the hall between the kitchen and living room but doesn't head towards the living room like I was expecting but opens a closet door to her right. She shoves some coats to the side and steps into the closet. I furrow my brows at her while also raising a brow.

"Uh..." I start but she waves at me with an urgency that doesn't at all put of the mood that she's making this out to be.

"Come on!" She mutters between her teeth. I step into the closet, the coats causing us to press against each other. She closes the door, leaving the only light coming from the crack above the floor. "I can't find Kate and I need your help because I know that Cassidy is still out there somewhere and I have a feeling that she took Kate and might've killed May Eve because I heard May Eve was with her and May Eve isn't a Deviant and I know the type of people Cassidy is, they are after Deviants and Kate's ability would be one they definitely want. We have to go to my bunker and see if they are making any transportations, but if they are taking her to the military base in Montana then I'm not too worried because I know where it is-"

"Okay, whoa, whoa, whoa!" I interrupt her. She was speaking so fast I only got about half of what she said. "What happened to May Eve?!" I say, choosing that as the most urgent piece of information.

"I don't know-" Amee's voice breaks and she quickly covers her mouth. I hear her take a breath and when she speaks, she is a lot steadier. "We have to find them." Right then the closet door opens a crack but almost that same second I hear a yell from the person who opened it and the door slams shut. I frown and look back at Amee who looks as if she didn't notice anything. I decide to brush it off.

"Okay, you said you couldn't find Kate, but you're drunk so we shouldn't jump to any conclusions."

"I'm not drunk anymore." She states.

"Did you check everywhere? Did you call her?" I ask.

"Yes, I checked every crowd, all the bathrooms, all the bedrooms, I called her," she says.

"Did you call May Eve?" I ask. She shakes her head. "Do you want me to call her or..." I ask, stupidly, as she takes her phone from her back pocket. She dials May Eve's number, but it goes straight to her voice mail. Amee shifts as if she's going to start blabbering really fast again. "Okay, what if they are in May Eve's car?" I ask. She looks at me with hope.

"Okay," she says, and I open the door and step from the closet. A few people look our way. but I ignore them and lead Amee out the front door.

"Where'd you-"

"Over here," Amee says, jogging off to the right. I follow after her, passing the long line of vehicles. May Eve light blue Camry comes into view nearly three houses away from where the party is at. Amee opens the driver's door and ducks in to look at the back seat. She steps back out, closing the door, the fear in her eyes evident again.

"She isn't there," she says.

"Okay, maybe we missed them back in the house," I say but she shakes her head.

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