Chapter 73

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It's not easy. Every movement closer to the unpredictable outcome is a new twist to my stomach, causing my muscles to refuse. But I have to do this. I have to do this now.

So, I push myself away from the warmth of Jesse's bare chest. I feel the tip of his fingers trace along my spine until they begin traveling in circles on my lower back. Just his touch makes my face go warm. It's so different. It's so full of truth and caring. It makes me want to lay back down and bawl for hours.

But I don't allow myself that kind of break. So I pick up my shirt from the floor of his car and slip it over my head. He tilts his head, studying me, curious.

"We have all night, Raevon," he whispers. I wish we could have one of those all-night talks that happen at the begin of every relationship. But I can't afford all night.

When I don't answer, he sits up and runs his hand through my hair, which he hands pulled loose. His eyes seem to beg me to take my shirt back of and continue with our cuddling. But I don't cuddle. I'm not a cuddling person. I'm not sure what kind of person I am anymore.

I reach up, touching his wrist, which seems to hit a forbidden spot in me. My throat tightens. I pull his hand from my hair and kiss his fingers and his palm. My eyes sting with tears and I take a shuttering breath before opening my mouth.

"My name... isn't May Eve Jennings," I say. He frowns at me, confused. He doesn't understand. Not yet. I supposed it will take a lot to help him believe me. "My name is Raevon Knight. My father was killed when I had barely turned eight. I was an orphan, with no money, no home, no food. Jacob... he had found me. He saved me... or so I thought." I sniff and wipe the leaking tears away, angry that they had gotten so out of control. Jesse touches my shoulder with one hand, and then places his other hand on my other shoulder. His eyes gulp down every word. "He changed me. Turned me into something. I was confused between right and wrong. He broke me down to nothing and had rebuilt someone... a monster."


She's alone but she's awake. Her eyes bloodshot but she can't stop thinking about him. Two through the door, one through the window. Gracie's so distracted by him and that's why when she hears something she stands, with hope that she already knows is stupid.

"Clint?" She calls. She walks to her bedroom door, which is opened to the hallway. A trigger clicks. She gasps, gripping her stomach before pulling out a tiny dart. It's metal aside from a small glass window, which is empty. She looks up to see the three figures approach her and she lets out an ear-splitting scream. They rush to her, trapping her against the wall, cutting off her air supply.


"Raevon, what are you saying?" He whispers, gently. I wipe more tears away, turning from him. It's so much easier if I don't look at him, at his piercing sapphire eyes.

"I am a pawn in a government agency... Investigation of Evolution. I am sent on assignments everywhere in American and Canada. I am to create a new identity with each town, city, state that I hit. I make friends, I make everyone fall in love with me. And when they are most vulnerable, most helpless that's when I strike." I know he'll know what I'm talking about. I knew from the moment I set my eyes on him. Jesse is a Deviant.


It's dark, it's quiet. Shad sleeps soundly in his bed, unsuspecting as his door is slowly opened. Two men enter, aiming at both beds. One is empty but they don't care. That one isn't a target. They turn the gun to Shad, but it isn't any ordinary gun. They pull the trigger, firing a dart into his back which immediately absorbs into his skin. But it also causes him to swear. He moves to stand but the nearest agent whacks him over the head until he doesn't move again.

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