Chapter 92

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The morning after freeing everyone, at eleven, after most everyone has left the apartment, I approach Clint to see him off. I offer Gracie a polite smile as she steps into their cab that'll take them to the airport. My stomach twists with guilt when I look back at Clint. I may never see him again, but I still can't get myself to confess to him about mine and Amee's kiss.

"I guess I'll be seeing you... maybe," Clint says. I chuckle, which is partly forced.

"I hope so," I say. His hair is as brown as his mom's and I wonder if she's watching him right now. The urge to tell him about her comes over me again but I stifle it. I may not be able to tell him about his mom, and I may be too cowardly to tell him about Amee and I, but at least I can give him one warning. "Be safe, Clint. I know you have two abilities and... I know you wouldn't be any average captive of I.O.E.'s if they caught you again," I say.

"Thanks, Jesse," he says. I step away as he turns to get in the cab, but he stops before looking back at me. "New York," he says. I raise my eyebrows. "We are going to New York," he clarifies. "I'm just not sure far how long." I smile at him.

"I'll find you, mate," I say confident that I could and would. "Clint," I say quickly, before he can get in the cab. "About you and Amee...?" He looks as if he stifles a groan.

"Nah, man. She's too wrapped up in her own plan for revenge... there's no life with someone like that," he says. I slowly nod my head, and he steps in the cab and I watch him drive away. With a heavy heart, I make my way back to Raevon's building. The day isn't yet half over, but Raevon was organized in her schedule to disperse each pair without drawing too much attention to the hide out. By 11:30, it's Kate's and Johnny's turn to disappear, possibly forever. Before the leave to catch their bus, I pull both Kate and Amee to the side of the building, away from Shad, Johnny, Raevon, and Clarity.

"I know that we shouldn't do this, but I also know that you plan on exposing I.O.E. still," I say. "I'm not yet sure if I can still be a part of that, but I know that I want to see both of you again, so... I'll be in Brazil." Amee gives me an appreciated smile. Kate runs her hand through her hair nervously as she glances at where Johnny stands.

"Wyoming," she says, "but not for long. I might head towards Florida afterwards." I pull her into my arms.

"You keep your ability under control," I tease. She chuckles but when she pulls away, I see unshed tears in her eyes.

"Do you mind?" Amee asks gently. I nod my head before leaving them to say their own goodbyes. I approach Johnny, who has finished saying his goodbyes to everyone else.

"All right, mate," I say. "I'm not going to pretend you didn't mess up."

"Neither am I," he says quietly.

"But I think the situations fixable," I say, smirking, "if you do it right." He chuckles before glancing to his side.

"I think the same about yours," he whispers. I glance at Raevon, who watches the street carefully. Her shocking green eyes and lack of eyeglasses make up her profile perfectly. I recall that night in my car again, my smile fading.

"We'll have to see about that," I whisper, mostly to myself. Soon after that, their bus arrives, and we see them off before retreating back into the apartment. I catch Amee before following the others into the apartment and we hang back. She faces me, her cheeks slightly pink. I can't tell if it's from the cold or if she blushes. Now that I know her and Johnny are siblings, it's so obvious of their similarities in their eye color. It actually makes me feel stupid that I didn't notice it before.

"I know why you chose Raevon," I say.

"So I can keep an eye on her." She states.

"That may have been part of the reason. But I know that she's the closest you can get to hurting I.O.E.," I SAY. She sighs.

"Jesse, I'm not going to give this up just because my first plan was ruined. I'm not sure if I'll stay with Raevon, but I'll get what I can from her, and I'll continue with my own business."

"I know," I mutter. I reach up to her cheek, glancing at the beanie that covers her hair. My thumb grazes her lip, just like when I kissed her, but this time I don't use her ability. I then guide my hand to the edge of her beanie.

"No, Jesse," she whispers but before she can stop me, I pull the beanie off. He cheeks redden with embarrassment and she avoids my face. My jaw clenches as I study her face and realize how traumatizing it must've been. And I knew she was going to go through pain. I allowed this to happen to her.

"I'm so sorry," I whisper. She finally looks into my eyes and something like realization crosses her face.

"It'll grow back," she whispers. But it just makes me wonder how many times something like this happened to her, and she would've been much younger. At an age that a little girl would be most sensitive about herself, barely becoming aware of the way she looks. She was in that hellhole for over three years.

I bring her face to mine but stop myself before our lips meet. The smell of forest comes from her like a boulder, twisting my stomach with the memory of our kiss. I'm no longer certain of where we stand in our friendship, all I know is that I'm going to miss her. I'm going to miss her laugh, her determination, her power.

"Be careful, Amee," I whisper. Her breathing seems unsteady.

"Don't get yourself killed," she whispers back, "I plan on seeing you again."


Thoughts on Clint and Amee? Is Clint justified?

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