Chapter 11.7

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Erica was standing outside with another woman. That had to be her girlfriend, Lucy assumed, and from the way they were standing glaring at each other, Erica’s girlfriend wasn’t happy.

They were talking, it looked like, and apparently disagreeing. Neither was touching the other, nor looking especially fond of the other either, not the way a couple usually would look when they had just met up. There was about to be a fight, Lucy thought, that much was fairly clear, and it was a fight which Lucy had caused, at least in part. She wished she hadn’t, and wished Erica’s girlfriend wasn’t upset, and wished Erica wasn’t with someone, too. Most of all, Lucy wished she had some way to fix this problem. She wanted to help, but all she could really do was what Erica had asked her to, which was to stay inside, so she made herself do that.

She stayed inside, out the way, and simply watched, hoping she wasn’t obvious, peering out the window.

She didn’t think she was obvious. Neither Erica nor the other woman were looking in her direction, so she thought she was safe.

She watched, looking closely at Erica’s girlfriend, because she wanted to take the chance to do so while she could. It was wrong, and intrusive, and unbearably nosy, but she was desperately curious to see who Erica was with, despite herself.

Some part of her wanted to know, even though she knew it might hurt a little to see who Erica had ended up with.

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