Chapter 11.10

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Lucy almost slid back along the couch to where she’d been before, and out of sight. She almost did, but then she couldn’t quite bring herself to, and kept watching and listening instead.

She listened, feeling guilty, knowing it was an intrusion, knowing Erica might say something she didn’t want Lucy to overhear, but listening anyway.

She listened, and as she did, she realized that Erica and her girlfriend were fighting. They were clearly fighting, although quietly, and Lucy was almost ashamed of how pleased that made her feel.

The fight must have been going on for a while, Lucy thought, perhaps ever since Erica had first gone outside. They had been talking more quietly earlier, in near-whispers, but now they were getting louder. As if, while they talked, they had both been getting upset, and the more upset they got, the louder their voices became.

Now they were speaking loudly enough that Lucy could make out what was being said.

“She’s my old boss,” Erica was saying. “She’s a friend, and her life’s a mess right now. She needs help.”

“Your boss you slept with,” Erica’s girlfriend said.

“Well yeah,” Erica said. “Of course. I told you that ages ago.”

“You told me you slept with your boss.”

“Yeah,” Erica said. “This boss.”

“And now she’s here.”

“Yeah she is. So what? She’s also my friend.”

“Your boss you slept with is here, and now you’re saying you can’t see me tonight because of that.”

“Could you keep your voice down?” Erica said. “Please?”

“No, not until we sort this out.”

“Please,” Erica said again, sounding as though it wasn’t the first time she’d asked.

“Please what? Shut up and stop making a fuss?”

“You know that isn’t what I mean.”

“It pretty much is.”

“It isn’t,” Erica said. “And I didn’t say that. And please don’t be horrible about this, either. Please just try and understand.”

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