Chapter 9.6

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They kissed. And it was the same as the first time. It was intensity and breathlessness and nerves and being lost in Erica’s mouth. It was gentle touches, and Erica’s hand on Lucy’s arm. It was the taste of Erica, and the smell of her, and feeling the tickly whisper-touch of her hair. It was kissing, and it was wonderful kissing, and at the same time as it was terrifying too. It was being scared as much as excited, and Lucy wasn’t even really sure why.

She was scared, though. Scared by what she was feeling, and how strong it was, and by what it meant, and why. She was scared, and she was excited, and she was utterly desperate for Erica too.

She didn’t know why she needed Erica so badly. She didn’t know, but she was thinking too much, so she kissed Erica to try and make herself stop.

And mostly, she managed.

They kissed, and they kissed some more.

“I’m glad we’re finally doing this,” Erica whispered into Lucy’s mouth.

“I am too,” Lucy whispered back. “But we ought to talk.”

“Not right now. Busy.”

“We should talk.”

“No,” Erica said, and kept kissing, so Lucy kept kissing too.

Erica apparently didn’t want to stop, and Lucy couldn’t make herself, so they kept kissing for whole minutes more. Then, finally, Erica turned her face away, and stopped kissing, and gasped for air, and Lucy did the same, feeling the same, and needing air too.

Lucy gasped for air, feeling slightly odd, almost as if she couldn’t breathe. Or actually, not that she couldn’t breathe, just that the achey-excited tingle in her chest was somehow stopping her from breathing properly. So she could inhale as much as she liked, but she still seemed short of air. She felt dizzy and happy and slightly dazed. She sat back in her seat, over against the car door, leaning on it, and keeping herself well away from Erica, and Erica actually seemed to be doing the same thing, on the opposite side of the car. They breathed slowly, and looked at each other, and Lucy wasn’t sure whether to smile, or just sit there looking grave.

It seemed like she should look grave, but she felt smug and happy and excited, and kept wanting to smile.

They looked at each other, a little awkwardly.

“Well I’m glad we finally did that,” Erica said, after a moment.

Lucy nodded slowly, and then said, “Again.”

Erica laughed.

She laughed, which Lucy was glad of, because it would have been embarrassing if she’d just sat there confused. Relieved, she smiled, and Erica smiled back.

“I’ve got my breath back now,” Erica said.

“Oh have you?”

“Yeah I have.”

“Good,” Lucy said, but didn’t move. They kept looking at each other.

“I like kissing you,” Lucy said, after a moment.

“Me too. Kissing you.”

“I want to kiss you more.”

“Yeah, same. Me too.”

“I think we should talk a bit first, though,” Lucy said.

“Later,” Erica said, and leaned over again.


“No later. It’s fun. It’s harmless. We should kiss now and talk later.”

“Wait…” Lucy said, but Erica was already kissing her. They were, and what Erica had said almost made sense, so Lucy didn’t argue.

They kissed some more.

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