Chapter 1

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(A/n) I should also put this here, and you have hands like the sheep demon in the Alastor comic, or like Beau

(A/n) I should also put this here, and you have hands like the sheep demon in the Alastor comic, or like Beau

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"(Y/n), come on or we'll be late!" Deerie called for me. "I'm coming!" I yelled back, grabbing my phone and flew down the stairs to Deerie, who was waiting by the front door. "Ya ready, sis?" She asked me and I nodded. I followed her out the door and to the gates of Heaven where her friends waited.

"Finally! Now we can go help Princess Charlie and come back home quickly!" Honey chirped and headed towards the portal to Hell, Bea following. Honey was always the most energetic one of the group, forcing us to keep up with her so we could do our tasks quickly, Bea also tried to be energetic, she's close but she wants to be closer.

"I do hope we don't run into powerful demons.." Rachel worried, flying in front of us. "It'll be ok, God has made plans with Lucifer who made a rule not to harm us when we enter Hell." beau explained, calming her down slightly. "Alright, ladies. Listen up!" Deerie flew ahead of them and in front of the portal. "Here are the rules: One, when we enter Hell, we must not go anywhere without your holy crossbows and holy water. Two, We should avoid talking to anyone who doesn't work at the Hotel except for Lucifer and Lilith, his wife. And three, when we come back to Heaven, we must make sure that no one followed us. Understand?"

Everyone nodded after she finished. "Good, now let's go!" Deerie exclaimed. Honey and Bea raced inside, while Beau and Rachel flew in slowly. I stayed back, staring at the red and black portal. My anxiety got worse by the second, I felt my heart race quicker than ever before. Oh, why did I agree to this?! I thought to myself "Hey, you ok, (Y/n)?" Deerie's voice snapped me out of my thoughts. "O-Oh... yeah..." I said shyly. "Hey, it'll be ok. We'll share a room together when we stay overnight, and I won't leave your side!" She said, holding my hoof. I smiled at her and we both headed in.

Once we got to the other side, we were in front of the Happy Hotel, or Hazbin Hotel as the sign above said. Above us was a red sky and a large pentagram for a Sun. The area reeked of drugs, alcohol and blood, causing me to gag at the sudden change. We all flew over to the door and Deerie knocked on it. A girl with blonde hair, white skin and rose red cheeks opened the door. She gasped loudly and squealed, jumping happily. "OH MY GOSH! YOU CAME AND YOU ALL ARE SO CUTE! Sorry, sorry, I got too excited heh. Come on in!" She opened the door wider so we all could come in.

Once we all got inside she shut the door. "My name is Charlie and welcome to the Happy Hotel! You're gonna love it here!" She exclaimed happily. "It is an honor to meet you Princess Charlie." Deerie smiled at her. "I am Deerie, this is Beau, Bea, Honey, Rachel and (Y/n), my sister." She said, wrapping an arm around me. "And your sign in front said 'Hazbin Hotel'. Was that a mistake?" She asked.

"Oh, that must be Al's doing. Whatever, anyways, will you be staying the night here?" Charlie asked. "We'll see." Deerie replied. I got slightly bored and wondered off, exploring the hotel. I accidently ran into a spider demon on the way. He looked down at me and I looked up at him. He wore a lot of pink and his top showed his giant fluffy chest. "Sup, toots. Ya new here?" He asked. I nodded shyly. "I'm here with the other cherubs to help the princess with the hotel." I mumbled.

"Mm, nice to meet ya, I'm Angel Dust. But you can just call me Angel." He winked at me. "I'm (Y/n). It's nice to meet you Mr. Angel." I smiled back. "Wait, how can you tell I'm a guy?" "Your voice. And I love the pink wear! Very cute." I said, admiring his clothes. "Heh, thanks. But I have a question, do I have to be straight to go to Heaven?"

"Nope! There are a lot of LGBTQ+ couples in Heaven, some people don't like it but God reminds them that he loves everyone like you, my feminine friend." I poked his cheek, causing him to laugh. "You really are something, cya around (Y/n)." He said, passing by me to the lobby. I smiled and continued my way down the hall, soon entering the dining area. I flew over the tables and to the kitchen, flying inside. Me being the curious cherub of the group, I had explored the entire kitchen and flew out if it.

On my way out, I bumped into another demon. "Oh, my apologies!" I said quickly, looking up at the tall demon. He wore a lot of red and had red hair with black tips and deer ears. He had small antlers poking out of his head, wore a red monocle and red eyes. His mouth was full of sharp, yellow teeth, grinning ear to ear. He just stood there silently staring at me. "....Well, I should go now, bye." I mumbled quickly, flying past him and to the lobby where the others were. That was weird...

~Alastor's POV~

I didn't know what just happened, I froze like a deer in headlights. I couldn't help but so stare at her soft (h/c) fur, her bright/deep (e/c) eyes and her small white wings. She was adorable, so perfect, but what was she doing in Hell, where all the creeps could get their hands on her? I must find out...

I silently followed the little doe back to her friends, two bee cherubs, two sheep cherubs and another deer cherub. They both look almost the same, they must be sisters. I thought to myself. "And this is Alastor!" Charlie's voice interrupted my thoughts as she walked over to me. "He's the only overlord here but he won't hurt you. I made him promise." She said, looking at me.

Then I remembered, she talked about some angels coming and visiting us to help with the hotel. "It is a pleasure to meet you all!" I said, smiling. "Alastor, this is Deerie, Bea, Beau, Honey and (Y/n)." She pointed to the deer I saw earlier. "I apologize for not introducing myself sooner, my dear (Y/n). I was lost in my thoughts." I explained, getting closer to her. She flew back a bit then hid behind Deerie. "She's shy, but it's nice to meet you too." Deerie chuckled nervously, dragging her away and whispering to her. Fortunately, I could hear what she was saying. "Charlie told me that he eats deer, so it's best to stay away from him, ok?" Deerie whispered.

I saw (Y/n)'s eyes widen slightly then look back at me, terror in her eyes. Her ears bent back as she flew away towards Angel. Out of everyone you could make friends with, why Angel? Why not me? I thought to myself and sat at the bar, imagining what it would feel like to pet the little doe's head. (Thats kinda creepy, bruh) I couldn't help but to look at her, stare at her, getting jealous by the second as she continued talking to the spider demon. He made a flirty remark every once in a while, causing (Y/n) to get flustered and hide her face. It was adorable. Everything she did was adorable. 

For once, I feel warm and fuzzy inside, is this what you called love? Do I love her even though we just met? It must be love at first sight, something that doesn't usually happens. But this felt different than what everyone described, this felt more... lusting. I usually crave blood or death, but never just someone in general. I guess I'll have to wait a while to see if I truly do love her, and if so, I'll make her mine~

(A/n) Woo hoo! Another episode, another book. Jeez, I sure have a lot of books lol it's hard to keep up with all of them but I am doing my best, cya next chapter!

Alastor's Doe (Female deer Cherub Reader x Yandere Alastor)Where stories live. Discover now