Chapter 18

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Back at the hotel...

~Charlie's POV~

It's been nearly a day and still no sign of Alastor or (Y/n). Poor Deerie has been in a frantic state since they left. She paced back and forth, mumbling to herself. I sat on the couch with Vaggie, who gave her a worried expression. "Deerie, it's ok. She's safe with him. I know you don't trust him but he loves (Y/n). He'd never hurt her." I explained while walking to her. She turned and snapped at me. "Are you kidding me?! He's the worst being for her to be around! He's a serial killer! A cannibal! And worst of all, he's in love with her! You don't know what he's said to me, we see someone very different when looking at him." The doe stomped her foot on the ground. "That's it! Call your father! I'm gonna call Michael and Gabriel and they're gonna come down and look for her!" She stormed off with her phone in hand without another word. "Damn. She must be really upset about this." I heard Angel say from the bar counter. "Aren't you even a little bit worried about her?" Vaggie asked the arachnid demon. Angel scoffed while propping his feet up on the counter. "Worried? Ha! I'm more concerned if he fucks her legs off." "If he what?" Vaggie asked, slightly disgusted. "Oh, you haven't heard what I've heard, eh?" The spider asked before laughing quietly. "Ev'ry night I hear him moaning and whimpering for (Y/n). He's so desperate for her touch it's kinda creepy y'know. It's kinda funny too." He said with a smile. I looked over at Vaggie who stared at the porn star in disgust. I let out a heavy sigh. "I'm going to call my dad." I said before walking off and to my office.

~Alastor's POV~

I had my face buried into (Y/n)'s neck as she read a book silently, sitting in my lap. Her soft fur tickled my nose but as always, I wasn't too bothered by it. We'd cuddled like this for several minutes and the entire time we were silent. (Y/n) was enjoying this little cuddle session, I could tell. I, however, suffered immensely. I tried my best not to nibble at her bare neck after she took the choker off. I can't even kiss it! Every time I try, she flicks my nose, so eventually I stopped. But fuck, she's so irresistible. Her adorable personality, her gorgeous smile, her body... I nuzzled her neck softly, dreaming of all the fun we'll soon have. She was all mine after all, all mine. We can do whatever we'd like, no limits, no rules, no judgement. It was just us for the rest of eternity. "Hey Al? When's lunch? I'm hungry?" (Y/n) asked while reaching back and rubbing my cheek. I purred softly and placed my hand on hers. "I can make you something right now if you'd like." I suggested while removing my face from her neck. She nodded while looking back at me. "Yes please!" I couldn't help but to kiss her forehead gently. "Whatever you want, I'll make." "Grilled cheese sandwiches please and thank you." She replied. "Your wish is my command, ma chérie." I gave her one more small kiss on the lips and set her aside to get up and head to the kitchen.

I got out the things needed for the sandwiches while humming 'We'll Meet Again' by Vera Lynn quietly. "That's a lovely song." I heard a voice behind me say. I turned around to see Lucifer standing by the counter island. "I used to sing it to Lilith and Charlotte when she was just a baby." The demon king said with a smile. I raised a brow at him. "Didn't think you'd visit me, what's the occasion?" I asked while preparing (Y/n)'s lunch. Lucifer chuckled while sitting on one of the stools. "Oh Alastor, you're funny. I'm talking about a certain cherub. (Y/n) is her name, yes?" When he said her name, I tensed. He can't be here to take her away, right? "I can tell you're scared Mr. Radio Demon. It's alright, I won't take her away. I understand your uncontrollable desire for her. Me and Lilith were a lot like you. Forbidden lovers as some would say." I heard him explain as I flipped the sandwiches. I let out a small sigh of relief. "I'm thankful to hear that. But why exactly are you here if you're not going to take her away?" I asked while glancing back at him. The demon smiled and stood up to walk over to me. "I'm here because Charlotte was concerned. And because of the angry sounding cherub in the background shouting curses at me." Lucifer explained. I chuckled softly while shaking my head. "That would be (Y/n)'s sister, Deerie. She wasn't too fond of me at first and was furious when I took (Y/n). She even shot me in the arm." I lifted up my arm to show him the bandages, a bit of dried blood on both sides of my arm where she made her shot. Lucifer looked closely at it and hummed. "Shitty aim." His comment made me laugh. "However, I want to lay down some rules if (Y/n) is to stay here. It isn't a crime that you've kidnapped an angel, but it's just for safety." He explained while leaning against the island again. I put the sandwiches on a plate and turned the grill off. "I suggest you'd make this quick before her food gets cold." Lucifer nodded and replied. "One, you must keep her by your side at all times, of course I know you do. Two, you must either check in with Charlie or let me come and visit." The second rule made me growl softly. "Don't worry, I'll make my visits enjoyable. And three, if you two were to visit the living world, do not leave those imps sights. They are trained professionals and know how to act and what to do if certain situations were to come." He stepped closer to me and narrowed his eyes. "Do not break these rules, I do not want to take her away from you. I know how determined you are to keep her by your side, and that you'd break into Heaven just to get her back." He said before walking away. "I best be on my way, take good care of the little doe." He said while looking back at me and disappearing into the shadows, going back to where I assume is his palace.

I let out a heavy sigh and headed back up the stairs with her food. When I entered the room, she was not on the bed. "Darling? Where are you?" I looked around the room after setting the plate on the bed side table. As I walked away from the bed, I heard the plate skid across the table. I looked back and saw nothing. My ears flicked into every direction, listening for any little noise she would make. A little giggle made my ears flick towards the bed, it came from underneath the bed. My smile grew as I walked over to the bed. "Oh where could my sweet (Y/n), the love of my afterlife be?" I asked dramatically, earning some quiet laughter from her. I quietly got onto my knees and quickly put my hands under the bed, grabbing (Y/n) and dragging her out. She held the plate in her hands while eating a slice of the sandwich. "Hi." She said after swallowing her bite. "Why did you hide, mon amour? Was I taking too long?" I asked while setting her on the bed and sitting next to her. "Nah, I just wanted to mess with ya! It's cute seeing you confused." She cooed while squishing my cheeks. I gently grabbed her wrists and pulled her hands away from my face. "As cute as that is, we didn't kiss before eating." I complained. (Y/n) rolled her eyes and scoffed. "C'mon. So what if you'll take some cheese in the kiss? It's not that bad." She said while kissing my cheek. She was right, I didn't mind at all, I was just being fussy for no reason. "I guess you're right. However, I am getting impatient so I'd like to do it now." I said while taking the plate away, a quiet whine came from her as she reached for the plate again. I grabbed her by her hips and pulled her closer to me, purring softly.

(Y/n) pouted while looking back at me. "I'm hungry." She complained. I stared at her with half lidded eyes. "I'm in need of your affection. Food can wait." I panted softly, while pulling her even closer to me. A light shade of red covered her cheeks as she looked at me. I caressed her cheek gently, admiring her. "Uh, are we gonna kiss or are you just gonna stare at me forever?" She asked while looking at me. "Let me admire your beauty first. Don't be so impatient." I replied with a chuckle before kissing her lips softly, a small gasp of surprise from her. I've always been so surprised whenever she let me kiss her like this, as an angelic being I thought she'd hate it. However, over time I can tell she's starting to love it. She might not show it yet, but I have a feeling. A good feeling. About us. I snaked my arms around her waist as she held my cheeks, melting into the kiss. I purred softly while sliding my tongue into her mouth to explore every inch of it. She tasted so sweet, I've always wondered what her blood tasted like. I'm guessing it's sweet, not disgustingly sweet, just sweeter than normal blood. She went to part the kiss but I put my hand at the back of her head, keeping her still. She gasped slightly into the kiss but continued to kiss again.

Not too long after, she started to tap my shoulder rapidly. I moved my hand to her cheek and parted the kiss, she coughed and gasped for air. "Sheesh, Al! Were you trying to kill me?" She huffed at me. I chuckled and shook my head. "No, darling. I just wanted more than usual." (Y/n) looked at me with a worried frown. "You ok, Al? Did something happen? I did hear you talking to someone." She asked. "Oh, Lucifer just came by to-" "Lucifer?! He was here? Was he gonna take me away? Oh, Deerie must've called Michael or Gabriel! I'm not gonna leave, am I?" (Y/n) asked franticly, tears brimming her eyes. I wrapped my arms around her and pulled her close. "Oh no no no, he wasn't gonna take you away. He just wanted to check up on us. I promise I won't let anyone take you away, he knows that as well." I replied while petting her head. She seemed to calm down and lay her head on my chest, wrapping her arms around me. "Are you sure? Did he tell you to do anything?" She asked. I groaned softly and nodded. "Unfortunately so, but they're not that bad. I must stay with you at all times, we must check in with Charlie or let Lucifer visit us, and when we go to the living world we must stay with the imps." I explained. (Y/n) nodded with a hum. "Ok, it doesn't seem too bad." She sat up and started giving me a puppy eye look. "Can we let Angel visit please?" She asked. "Absolutely not." I hissed. She frowned and batted her eyes at me, drooping her ears as well. My cheeks started to heat up as I covered them with my hand. "Don't look at me like that." I looked away from her but she grabbed my cheeks to make me look at her, our noses touching. "Pleeeeaaaase?" She begged. I growled softly and sighed. "Fine. But only if I can take you on a date to the living realm." I said while resting my hands on hers. She nodded with a large smile and lifted her ears back up. "I promise we'll behave!" "You better."

(A/n) Sorry it took sooooo long to get this chapter out, I've been working on a personal project, a cryptid book of an idea I had. Plus, my phone got taken away by shitty parents and finals are next week. Yay. Kinda wishing I didn't wake up this morning. But it's alright, hope y'all enjoyed Lucifer joining in. He's def a dilf to me. Lilith is a milf obv. ANYWHO BYEEEEE

Alastor's Doe (Female deer Cherub Reader x Yandere Alastor)Where stories live. Discover now