Chapter 8

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~Alastor's POV~

Once we came back, (Y/n) was already passed out in my arms, so I had to sneak in her into her room. I couldn't help but to mess with Deerie so I put one of my voodoo dolls in between them. I bent down and planted a kiss on (Y/n)'s forehead. "Sweet dreams, love." I whispered and left.

I walked across the hall and to my room, closing and locking the door behind me. I looked at (Y/n)'s voodoo doll, well what was going to be a doll. "Well, back to work." I said while hanging my coat on the chair and sat down. I grabbed a needle and thread and continued sewing. I stuffed some more stuffing in to make it nice and soft, then I put her fur in, to make the magic really work. Since I grabbed a good amount of fur, the spell would work a lot better than just one or two strands.

As I worked, my mind thought of different things, all about my sweet (Y/n). Would she enjoy it? When would I start? Would she be frightened? How can I do this without her friends showing up? How can I do this without her annoying sister popping up? Will she accept this? Will she break down into tears? Oh, I'd feel so bad if she would. Would she realize that I truly love her? And that I'm doing this all for her? Is this even good? Should I really be tainting such an innocent creature like (Y/n) with my romantic desires?

I was snapped out of my thoughts when I heard my alarm go off. I looked over and read the time. 6:30 AM. Already? It only felt like 15 minutes, and we weren't out for that long, not till 1 AM. I sighed and got up, doing my morning routine, with only one thought in my head; (Y/n). Oh, her sweet smile, beautiful voice, fluffy fur and (e/c) eyes that drive me madder than I  already am. I couldn't but to purr at the thought of last night. Her soft lips against mine, her small arms wrapped around me, her red face when we parted. She's so cute, and sooner or later, she'll submit to me and accept the fact that she's mine. Only mine. Forever mine.

~Your POV~

I slowly woke up from my sleep and looked at my surroundings. It was my room, but Deerie wasn't here. I looked over at the clock that read 10:06 AM. I realized how late I was and nearly fell out of bed to do my daily routine. "Shoot! I should've been up hours ago!" I scolded myself for being late and rushed out the door. As an angel, I've always wanted to show my best, so I hate being late.

I rushed down the stairs and to the office I share with the other cherubs. I quietly entered and muttered a quick apology. "Sorry, I slept through my alarms." "It's fine! A little sleep doesn't hurt anyone." Beau chuckled and continued her work. I looked over at Deerie and flew over to her. "Why didn't you wake me up, Deerie?" I asked, slightly upset.

"I tried but you asked if you could sleep in. You don't remember? You must've been really tired then." Deerie laughed. "And it's ok, it's not gonna affect our work, don't worry (Y/n)." She hugged me and went back to doing paperwork. "(Y/n)? May you please stop by Charlie's office and drop off these papers?" Rachael asked softly and handed me a few papers. "Yeah, of course." I smiled and left for Charlie's office.

When I turned the second corner, I bumped into someone. I looked up and saw a familiar smile. "Oh hey Al!" I smiled warmly. "Hello darling. You look quite tired, dear. You should've slept in a bit more." He gently placed his hands on my cheek. "I-I'm fine, Alastor, I promise." I blushed and waved his hands away. "Do you not like my touch? And just when I thought something special was happening between us." Alastor put his hand on his chest dramatically.

I giggled and kissed his cheek. "No, I actually don't mind at all." I saw his cheeks glow red as he looked down at me. "So, you're not afraid?" He asked. I shook my head no, keeping my smile. His smile softened as he leaned down and placed a gentle kiss on my lips. "Mm, you're so sweet, darling. I'm surprised no one has taken you yet." He chuckled softly.

"What do you mean?" I asked slightly confused. "I'm surprised you don't have a romantic partner. Like a boyfriend." He repeated himself. "Oh, yeah. I've been looking but none are my type and don't want to date a lower class angel like me heh." I laughed awkwardly. His expression changed a bit, his smile more wide and an angry glint in his eyes. "You are not a lower class angel. You are the sweetest angel I've ever met, and if anyone says otherwise. Tell me." He said in a serious tone. 

"O-Ok." I responded quietly, I was slightly intimidated from his change of emotions. "Good, well then. I better let you do your work or Deerie will yell at me for being so close to you." He joked happily as if nothing happened. He planted a quick kiss on my head and walked off. "See you later, my dear (Y/n)!" He chirped happily. "See ya Al." I giggled to myself and continued my way to Charlie's office. Who knew someone so scary can be so cute..


Spoopy season is coming... Y'all know what that means...

Pumpkin Rabbit is looking for a new playmate! Look out and stay out of his way, or you'll go missing too

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Pumpkin Rabbit is looking for a new playmate! Look out and stay out of his way, or you'll go missing too. Your welcome, my Walten Files fans :)

Alastor's Doe (Female deer Cherub Reader x Yandere Alastor)Where stories live. Discover now