Chapter 19

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(A/n) My dumbass is gonna make u a lil bit taller than Deerie bc I fucking can, you'll be a bit taller than Millie too so a possible smut would work. Yes, I'm gonna TRY it. Not do, TRY it. If I do, expect to see me in Hell :D

~Your POV~

I sat on the couch in the living room, reading a book quietly. My attention shifted from the book to my phone as it buzzed. I picked it up and read the messages from the group chat Millie invited me to.


Hey (N/n), can we head over? It's gonna be really warm since spring is comin and we wanna spend time with ya.

{Blitzø has attached an image}

{Blitzø has attached an image}

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Ya like ya like? :D


Sir, you do not need to send horse drawings.




Alright, alright. I'll go ask Alastor if you guys can come over

{Responding to Blitzø} It's very pretty, you're very talented!



I set my phone aside and looked around for Alastor. I found him in his office upstairs, looking through the books on the shelf. Sneaking up behind him, I tackled him in a hug. He looked back at me and smiled. "Very funny, darling. Didn't scare me." The demon chuckled while rearranging the books. "Can Millie, Moxxie and Blitzø come over?" I asked while looking up at him. Alastor hummed while tapping his finger against the book he set on the shelf. "Hmm.. Why should I let them come over?" "They can take us to the living world and we can have a date." I answered with a smile, leaning my cheek against his back. He hesitated before sighing. "Alright, we can spend some time with them then go to the living world." I flew up and kissed his cheek. "Thank you!" I didn't waste another second and raced downstairs to the couch, grabbing my phone and responding to the group.


Alright, you guys can come over!




We can just use the Grimoire so it'll be quicker so we can spend more time together. Cya in a bit (N/n)! 🐴


Ok! See you in a bit!

I tossed my phone aside and waited patiently. Fang made his way to the couch and laid by my hooves, letting out a heavy sigh. "Aww, is someone tired?" I cooed while leaning over and petting him, the eyes on his back closing with a purr. Alastor came in and sat next to me, glaring at Fang. "Thief." He hissed at the reptile. I chuckled and sat up to pet Alastor's hair. "C'mon, don't be snotty. I spend more time with you than I do with him." Alastor purred loudly as I pet his ears. "That's how it should be. Not petting him, petting me." I moved my hands from his ears to his cheeks, squishing his face. "You're so cute, Al. It still surprises me that people fear you." I said with a chuckle. He looked down at me with half lidded eyes filled with love. "You're the only one who has seen this side of me. You have no reason to fear me."

Alastor's Doe (Female deer Cherub Reader x Yandere Alastor)Where stories live. Discover now