Chapter 20

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The day was coming to an end as the red sky turned into a darker blood red, stars littered the sky like specks of sand. I looked up at the sky while sitting on the dock, kicking the water gently with my hooves. I stared at the spot where Heaven could be seen, the fluffy clouds giving me a nostalgic feeling. The thoughts of playing in the clouds with Deerie ran across my mind. Deerie. I wonder how she's doing. She's probably called archangel Michael down to help look for me. I let out a small sigh while pulling my hoodie up a bit.. Why was she so controlling? It's not like he kidnapped me and raped me, even Deerie knows he wouldn't.

"(N/n)! I got the fire started!" I looked back and saw Millie waving at me from the campfire by the dock. I got up from my spot and walked over to her. "Where are the boys?" I asked while looking around, the boys nowhere in sight. "They're inside getting the stuff for hot dogs and s'mores." Millie replied while putting more wood in the fire. I sat down on a bench facing the water and shivered. "Cold?" Millie asked. I nodded. "A little bit, the breeze doesn't help." I said with a chuckle. "At least you're fully dressed and dry." Millie said with an eye roll. I put my hands up in defense. "Hey, I didn't start that fight with Al." Millie paused and shrugged. "Hey, if he gets jealous cause I hit on you then boo hoo for him."


I looked out the window to check on (Y/n), who sat by the fire happily chatting with Millie. My smile widened every time I heard her laugh. "Thinking dirty, aren't ya?" Blitzø joked while elbowing my side. I glared down at him with a snarl. "No I'm not." I pushed past the imp to the cabinet that contained the marshmallows and Graham crackers. "Not at the moment, but later you will." Blitzø snickered. "I'm leaving before I die." Moxxie muttered while leaving the cabin. I was about to leave as well before Blitzø stopped me. He stood in front of me with his arms crossed, staring up at me with a smile. "Yes?" I asked with an annoyed sigh. "Are you a virgin?" The imp asked with a smirk.

"That's none of your damn business." I hissed before walking around him. "I can heeeelp." Blitzø cooed, stopping me in my tracks. I glanced back at him and narrowed my eyes. "Define help." The small demon's smile widened and he explained. "Well, as you can see, she's very shy and obviously new to romantic and sexual attraction, and it's clear she wants to try out sex." He paused while looking up at me. I nodded and motioned for him to continue. "Sooooo, I talked to Mils, she talked to (Y/n) and how to properly seduce someone. She's confident that your doe will make a successful seduction. Or she'll be one of those nerds and just roll for seduction." Blitzø commented the last sentence. "Roll?" I repeated, a confused expression on my face. Blitzø just waved me away. "Doesn't matter, now go deliver thy goodies! I gotta take a shit." He didn't waste another moment to race down the hall to hopefully the restroom.

I let out an irritated sigh and turned towards the door and to the campfire where everyone else was. (Y/n)'s ears flicked and she turned her gaze towards me, smiling. I sat down next to her and wrapped my arm around her waist to pull her closer to me. "You ok?" She asked in a whisper. I nodded and kept my face buried in the crook of her neck. Millie took the plate of s'mores and got a marshmallow, putting it on the edge of a roasting fork and set it above the orange flames. "Can we stay here for the night? Blitzø has to do the deed with Stolas tonight and we don't want to leave yet." The imp asked. I looked at her then at (Y/n). "So I'm guessing we won't have time to go to the living world?" She asked. Blitzø came out and sat next to Moxxie, grabbing a roasting fork and a marshmallow. "Unfortunately so. Sorry deer lovers, maybe tomorrow if we're all still free." He replied. I let out another irritated sigh and sat up. (Y/n) turned around to face me and rested her head on my chest. "It's ok, we can do something fun tonight, I promise." She said while hugging me. I rubbed her head gently and nodded. "Alright, it's better than nothing at all."


Millie and Moxxie headed to the guest room while Blitzø used the Grimoire to go to Stolas' castle. I flew out of the bathroom after changing into some pajamas and flopped onto the bed, a tired sigh escaping my lungs. Alastor set the book he was reading aside and pulled me closer to him. "Tired, my love?" He asked in a quiet tone. I nodded while groaning loudly. "Did you at least have fun today?" The overlord asked once more. "Mhm." I hummed. I turned over onto my side and snuggled up to his chest. "We should do this more often. Can we have Angel over soon please?" I asked and looked up at him. Alastor let out a small hum before answering. "Perhaps. If you give me a kiss that is." Another bargain. "Are you sure all you want is a kiss?" I asked with a suspicious smile. The demon overlord hesitated before nodding. "Yes, yes. Just a kiss this time." He sounded slightly irritated. I shook my head and laughed. "Sheesh, Al. It bothers you that much, huh?" The overlord nodded before pulling the blanket over us. "This time I promise just a kiss." He purred softly, pulling me closer to his chest. I shook my head again. I doubt that's all he'll ever want.

(A/n) Yello! I didn't really know how to end this one so think of this chapter as a dumb not useful filler. I didn't know my original plan for this but, yk, writers block. I also haven't been the best mentally with a certain anniversary coming up (my aunt's yeetus deletus departure) So, uh, yeah. I'll most likely take a break from writing(cause I've been writing my ass off on every book just not posting), reconnect with friends I haven't talked to in years, be irresponsible and reckless. And if any of u wanna play vrchat with me, dm me and I'll give u my user name. Again, I apologize for the shitty chapter.

Alastor's Doe (Female deer Cherub Reader x Yandere Alastor)Where stories live. Discover now