Chapter 17

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After I ate, Alastor wanted to take me out but I was too worried Deerie would find us. But apparently there's a small town near by and hidden from the big city, it wasn't too long of a walk which made me very happy. We walked a good 10 minutes and arrived to the town. It was nicer, it didn't reek of alcohol and smoke, it smelled of pine and fresh food. The demons there had a forest theme, either they resembled a forest creature or plants grew on them like flowers and berries. We approached a small café and went inside. A small demon stood on the stool on the counter. He seemed to be a pastel purple fennec fox demon with lavender growing from his fur. His eyes were a bright orange which laid on us.

"Alastor! It's great to see you again!" The fox exclaimed with a smile as he looked over at me. "And who is this?" He asked. "This is my darling, (Y/n). She's a cherub who was originally visiting but staying." Alastor explained while walking up to the counter, I followed. "Welcome to the town! I'm Eric, I own this lil' café with my sis whose out right now." Eric held his small paw out to me, which I gladly shook. "It's nice to meet you Eric. I already like it here, you have a very nice café." I complimented. "Why thank you! I try my best to maintain it and keep it up to standards." He said while smiling.

The bell on the door rang as someone entered. I looked back and saw a large brown bear demon, a long scar on his left eye. The bear demon looked over at Alastor and smiled. "Al! Great to see ya, buddy where you been?" He went over and engulfed Alastor in a big hug. "I'm fine once I can breath." Alastor gasped for air in the bear hug. The bear just laughed and hugged him tighter. "Isn't he so hot?" Eric purred while staring at the bear, his tail wagging. "I think he's perfect for you." I whispered to the fox, who squealed happily. The bear demon let go of Alastor and looked at me, his yellow eyes widening. "Whose this little one?" He asked while bending down to look at me. "I'm (Y/n)." I waved with a smile. The bear picked me up and hugged me gently. "Wow! She's soft!" He said while petting my head. "(Y/n), this is Alexander, he doesn't believe in personal space." Alastor said with a sigh. I could tell he was very annoyed that someone else other than him was touching me.

"Well, she's soft. I can't help it." Alexander said while setting me down. "You guys wanna order first?" He asked. "Oh no, we were just visiting, I want to show (Y/n) around. But I'm sure we'll be back today." Alastor replied while gently grabbing my hand and heading to the door. "Bye Eric! Bye Alexander!" I waved as we left. We had gone to several more shops and met more of Alastor's friends. An albino garter snake named Elizabeth who owned a clothes shop, a gray owl named Tristan who owned a book shop and a light blue and purple fox named Sorsha who owned an art shop. (Hey its me!) The café was by far my most favorite place of them all.

I poked Alastor as he was speaking to his friend. Of course, he didn't pay any attention to me. I let out a small sigh and just walked away from him and to the café. Alexander was still in there with Eric as they chatted happily. "Oh hey (Y/n)! Where's Alastor?" Eric asked while looking at me. "He's busy talking to his friend so here I am." I said with a shrug and looked at the menu. "Hey can I please get a (drink of your choice, doesn't matter what lol)?" I asked. "Of course! And since your new here, your first drink is free." Eric said as he got the things needed to make my drink. "Aww thank you! I never thought Hell would be so nice to be honest." I admitted. "Oh really? How's Heaven like?" Alexander asked before sipping his coffee. "Well... It's not as fun as it sounds. There's so many rules that you have to follow or you'll get into serious trouble. I'm actually not supposed to be here but I want to stay here. It's nicer, now that I have friends to stay with." I explained while messing with a pen on the counter. "Well I'm glad we provide that sort of comfortbility." Alexander said with a soft smile. "Any friend of Alastor's is a friend of ours." Eric said while handing me my drink. "Well, we're more than friends." I chuckled after taking a sip of the delicious drink Eric had made. "What?!" They both seemed extremely shocked. "You? Are in love with Alastor?" Alexander asked curiously. "Actually, he was the first to feel feelings." I replied. "Whoa. Are you like cupid or something?" Eric asked, an amazed expression on his face. "No, why do you ask?" I didn't expect them to be this shocked. "Well so many demons have tried to win Alastor's heart but failed miserably! I didn't know all that was needed was a sweet, innocent cherub like you. I thought he was into cannibals and murderers." Eric shrugged. "Yeah I thought he was into women with big dresses. Or guys who only wear tuxedos and stuff." Alexander admitted and finished his coffee. I nodded quietly while taking another sip. "He's probably gonna kill me since I just ran off and he doesn't know where I am. Protective much." I chuckled. "Have you two had sex?" Eric asked while wiggling his eye brows at me. "W-What? No no no! We haven't! I'm not sure if I'm ready for that." I shook my head and mumbled. "Well I'm sure you two will do it in the future, considering the visible marks." Eric pointed out. "Marks? What marks?" I asked, worried.

Alastor's Doe (Female deer Cherub Reader x Yandere Alastor)Where stories live. Discover now