Chapter 7

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(A/n) ........I'm sorry-😬

~Alastor's POV~

I followed (Y/n) around the swamp to make sure she didn't get hurt or eaten by an alligator. She was so oblivious and curious about everything, it was honestly adorable. She kept asking questions about everything there, and the sparkle in her eyes just made it better. If it were anyone else asking me such questions, they'd be dead 5 minutes after we arrived.

"Hey, Al? What's this?" She pointed to a small blue-ish purple flower with 5 petals. "That is a blue moon phlox, they're very common in Louisiana." I explained to her. She smiled and picked one then put it in my hair. I chuckled softly. "Thank you, darling." "Your welcome, Alastor." She smiled softly, giving me butterflies.

She's so cute I can't even handle it. I just want to grab her and run away to see the world together, I know she'd enjoy it, a lot in fact. Just the two of us seeing the world together, no one to tell us what to do or say, just us. I purred at the thought of us sharing a home and eventually, she'd develop feelings for me, then I'd finally show her how much I love her.~

"Uh, Alastor? You ok? You look like you're gonna commit crime or something." (Y/n)'s beautiful voice interrupted my thoughts. "O-Oh, sorry darling, just lost in thought." I chuckled. "That's ok and um..." She looked down nervously. "C-Can I hold your hand?" She asked, a light shade of red covering her cheeks.

I looked at her, slightly surprised. Yes! I've been waiting for a moment like this to hold her hand, which will turn into hugging, then cuddling and so much more! I can barely stay still from the thought of touching her little fragile and delicate body in ways no one else could.

"Of course, darling.~" I said in my most seductive voice. I saw her face go red as I gently intertwined my fingers with hers. I licked my lips as I held her close. Her scent was relaxing and calming. I purred softly, holding her in my arms. "Uh, Al? This isn't hand holding, plus I can't breath." She laughed awkwardly.

"O-Oh, my apologies, dear." I let her go. "Thanks Al." She chuckled. "I didn't expect you to be a hugger to be honest." "I'm not usually a hugger, so don't tell anyone." I chuckled softly. She put up a thumbs up and a smile, causing me to laugh a bit. "I have to admit, darling, your quite adorable." I said, petting her soft (h/c) hair.

"Thanks Alastor, not gonna lie, you're cute but also terrifying." (Y/n) laughed awkwardly. "Is that a compliment, darling?" I asked her. (Y/n)'s cheeks glowed red for a minute. "U-Uh, yeah. Just don't tell Deerie... or any of the other cherubs. Please." She asked.

~Your POV~

"I promise, on one condition." Alastor looked down at me. "Um, ok?" I said, slightly confused and worried. "I won't tell anyone if I can give you a kiss. On the lips." He whispered so that Millie and Moxxie couldn't hear us, even though they were quite a ways away from us. I felt my face heat up. I tried to speak but it just came out as gibberish, causing Alastor to laugh. "It's ok if you're flustered, darling. And it doesn't have to be right now, I just thought it'd be more romantic here." He explained calmly.

I thought for a minute. He wants to kiss me? Why? Does he have feelings for me? Or is he just toying with me... But, he'd never toy with anyone romantically, right? He is asexual and aromantic so this'd be rare. Well, I guess I'll have to find out.

I inhaled and sighed, extremely nervous. "O-Ok, fine. But just letting you know I've never kissed anyone before soooo, I'll be very bad at it." I explained, shaking a bit. He smirked before putting his hand on my cheek. "Don't worry, I won't bite~" (I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm ✨sorry✨)

I squeaked a bit when I felt his lips touch mine. He purred into the kiss and set his other hand on my hip. I wrapped my arms around his neck and felt my tail wag a bit. He was gentle and didn't do anything that'd make me feel uncomfortable, like using his tongue. We just stayed there for a minute, enjoying each other's company.

We pulled back and stared into each other's eyes for a bit. "That was fun. We should do that again soon, darling~" He winked at me, causing me to blush. I hid my face in my hands, flustered. "Stop it." "Sorry, dear."

(A/n) Enjoy your spicy shit

Alastor's Doe (Female deer Cherub Reader x Yandere Alastor)Where stories live. Discover now