Chapter 3

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~Deerie's POV~

I was flying back to the room carrying some more papers Charlie needed help with. Goodness, this hotel has a lot of paperwork overdue. I thought to myself. As I was flying, I saw Alastor on the other side of the hall, something was off. His smile seemed more devious as if he did something that would affect someone. He walked into his room, which was across the hall from the one me and (Y/n) share.

Before he closed the door, he looked at me, his eyes glowing in the dark room. He chuckled and closed the door. What did he do? (Y/n)! I calmly but quickly flew into my room, trying not to scare (Y/n). She was sitting at her desk, doing some paperwork, holding a big teddy bear. "Oh hey sis!" She smiled at me.

"Where did you get that stuffed bear, (Y/n)?" I asked her. "Oh, Alastor sent it to me in that box over there. He also gave me some delicious chocolate and a cinnamon roll. Isn't he so sweet?" (Y/n) said, a light blush covered her cheeks. I looked at the box and saw the note. 'Peace offering?' You gotta be kidding me...

"(Y/n)... We can't trust him. Didn't you listen to Vaggie? He's a dealmaker and can't be trusted." I sighed, putting my hoof on my forehead. "Just please don't get too close to him, ok?" I asked. She nodded, smiling. "Thank you (Y/n)."

~Your POV and timeskip to slumber party :D~

I got into some comfy and fluffy pajamas, grabbed the teddy bear Alastor gave to me and headed to Charlie's room. Deerie and the other cherubs were already there along with everybody else. On my way, I saw Alastor in his usual form. He looked back at me and smiled. "Hello, my dear! Excited for the Charlie's slumber party or whatever it was called?"

"Yes, I am. And it is called a slumber party." I laughed. "Glad I said it correctly! I see you like the toy I gave you. Your friend, Honey told me you liked soft and fluffy things so I wanted to give you that." He smiled at me, but this smile was different. Usually his smile is more threatening, but this one was soft, loving, caring even. I blushed slightly. "Oh yeah, thank you for the box... and speaking of fluffy things.... Can I, um, pet your hair? It just looks so soft!" I looked up at him.

He seemed kind of flustered by the question but chuckled. "Once we get there, you may, my dear." Once we arrived, Alastor knocked on the door and Charlie opened it. "Come on in, guys!" She smiled and let us in. Her room was much bigger than ours and had a large TV with 3 couchs. Angel and Husk sat in the middle couch, the other cherubs sat on the left and the others sat on the right. Angel waved at me and I flew over to him.

"Hi Angie!" I sat next to him. "Hey toots, how are ya?" He said, getting comfortable on the couch. "I'm doing well, cute sweater by the way!" I looked at his pink sweater that showed his shoulders and his fluffy chest. "Aw, thanks toots, nice pj's." Alastor sat down down next to me. "Oh hey smiles. Why no comfy clothes?" Angel asked, setting his arm on the back of the couch.

Alastor snapped his fingers and his clothes changed from his usual suit to a button up shirt, the top of his shirt was unbuttoned and showed a bit of his chest. I couldn't help but to blush a deep red before looking away. "Oh damn, Al. Imma nosebleed." Angel joked which made me laugh. I looked over at Deerie who just stared at Alastor, obviously not in the nice way.

"Which movie should we watch?" Charlie asked, sitting next to Vaggie. "I'd say a sex movie but I don't want to ruin my sister's ears and eyes yet." Angel said, gesturing towards me. "What do you mean yet?" I laughed. "Oooh! How about Pirates of the Caribbean? We haven't seen that one yet!" Nifty said happily. "Sounds fun, let's try it." Deerie said.

We all got comfy and some of us grabbed some popcorn. As I attempted to grab some popcorn from Angel's bowl, Alastor had gently grabbed me and set me on his lap, wrapping his arms around me. I blushed a deep red. "U-Um, what was that for, Al?" "This movie can get a bit scary, so if you get scared you can hug me or do whatever you'd like." He smiled down at me. I smiled and reached up to pet his fluffy hair and ears. He immediately started purring quietly and leaned into my touch. I giggled and kept petting. How can a guy be so scary but yet so cute? I thought to myself. I turned around and began to watch the movie.

(A/n) It's 5 am, I haven't slept in 3 weeks :D

Alastor's Doe (Female deer Cherub Reader x Yandere Alastor)Where stories live. Discover now