Chapter 10

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(A/n) Hey look another chapter! This is where I might start adding some... suggestive themes~ BUT only if you want it, ok? Won't force it so like vote

Yes suggestive themes

No ty

Vote simps chop chop, now back to book

~Alastor's POV cause he loves hogging your attention :)~

After catching up to Angel, I grabbed him by his arm. "Angel..." I hissed darkly. He smiled nervously. "H-Hey, if you don't want me to tell anyone, I won't! I promise." He laughed. "Promise?" I responded. "Yeah.. on one condition. Well, two. Number one; tell me when you two have sex. And Number two; you horny for her yet?" He whispered quietly.

I bent my ears back and looked around. "Angel, if you tell anyone, I will put your head on my wall as a trophy..." I muttered. Angel gasped dramatically. "I fucking knew it. Are you a yandere? Cause I see you as the yandere type. Especially for (Y/n). I mean, an innocent soul, just for you. No one else can have her but you. So many horny simps wanting her in Hell. I mean, she is pretty cute. Perfect boobs, not too big, not too small-"

"ANGEL!" I covered his mouth. "I request you shut your mouth before someone hears you." He removed my hand and smirked. "Soo, you agree?" I sighed. "If I say yes will you shut up and leave me alone about it?" Angel snickered and walked off. "No need to say it, I already know~"

~Your POV~

I laughed as they ran off, hoping that Alastor wouldn't kill Angel. Two arms wrapped around me, startling me. I looked back and saw Deerie. "Oh, hey Deerie. Can I-" "Are you ok? Did he hurt you? He must've somehow.." She began checking me for injuries. "D-Deerie, I'm fine. Alastor didn't do anything to me. We just talked about a new project to help with the hotel." I lied.

Deerie looked at me skeptically. "(Y/n). You know you shouldn't be around him! He is evil and only wants to eat you." She crossed her arms while glaring at me. "No he's not. He's charming and sweet, he's gentle and kind. And if you don't like it, fine. Be like that, but I will not let you control me anymore." I snapped back at her.

Deerie seemed shocked that I had snapped back, since I usually just stayed quiet and obeyed her. I walked past her and to where Alastor went. If Deerie wanted me away from Alastor, she'd have to stop me myself.

I spotted Alastor watch Angel walk away with an annoyed smile. I flew over to the annoyed buck and hugged him from behind. He flinched a bit but rested his hand over my hoof. "Hello my dear." I heard him say. "Hey Al." I sighed. "Is something wrong? You seem upset?" Alastor turned around and held my smaller hoof like hands in his larger clawed hands.

"Just Deerie.. She told me to stay away from you and told me how dangerous you were, untrustable, a backstabber. But I won't listen to her, you already mean so much to me." I looked up at him shyly. His face was red and his pupils were.. hearts? "Uh Al, you alright?" I held his cheek gently, which seemed to snap him out of his trance. "O-Oh yes! I'm fine, it's just... You're so sweet, my doe. I couldn't ask for a sweeter coworker." He smiled softly at me.

I couldn't help but to giggle quietly. "After that kiss last night I'd think we're more than coworkers. Although, I'm not ready for dating, I'm sure we'd make a great couple!" I placed a small and quick kiss on his cheek, his face was quite warm. He held my cheeks and rested his forehead against mine. "Oh darling, I'll wait to the ends of time for you." We smiled at each other.

Our wholesome moment was cut short by a loud gasp, as Charlie was standing there in shock. "Charlie no, don't say anything please." I shook my head while flying over to her. She nodded and zipped her mouth shut. "You're secrets are safe with me. I won't tell a soul." Alastor and I both sighed. "Besides, we're both not dating. Yet." Alastor explained. I nodded in agreement. "Got it! But if you guys just want private time then I'll make sure ya get it!" She squealed while running off to her office.

(A/n) Would ya look at that, my first chapter after being back, ain't that lovely? It feels nice being able to post again, sorry for the wait too. Love u all sm

Alastor's Doe (Female deer Cherub Reader x Yandere Alastor)Where stories live. Discover now