Chapter 6

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~Your POV~

Ever since the slumber party, Alastor and Deerie have been acting.... strange. Deerie hasn't let me be alone and Alastor has been very clingy. They've been at it for hours every day, and it's been 2 days. Whenever they aren't arguing, Deerie won't let me near him and Alastor, well, he's just been his normal happy self. So positive in a negative world, it gives me hope for Charlie plan. Plus I've never heard him curse.

It was currently late at night, around 11 pm and Deerie fell asleep while doing her work. So, I took my chance to leave the room and get something from the kitchen. I quietly closed the door behind me and headed to the stairs and to the kitchen. Once I entered the lobby, I saw Alastor, sitting alone at the bar. He was sitting and reading a book.

His ears flicked and he looked up at me. "Oh, hello dear. What are you doing up at a time like this?" He smiled gently. "Couldn't sleep, plus I was hungry and the mini fridge was empty, what about you?" I asked, sitting next to him. "I like the peace and quiet, less noisy so I can do what I like. I'm doing better now that you're here." His voice got slightly deeper which sent shivers down my spine. I looked away, blushing like crazy.

~Alastor's POV~

I couldn't help but to chuckle as she looked away, her cheeks red. "So, uh, whatcha reading?" She asked, clearly trying to change the subject. "I'm just reading my old journals from when I was alive, they came here when I died for some reason. I don't know why." I closed the book. "Whats it like being alive?" (Y/n) asked me, curiosity. I looked at her, slightly surprised. "You've.. You've never been to the living world?" I asked her.

(Y/n) nodded, looking upset. "I signed up for the job, but... they didn't accept my request." Her ears bent back as she looked at the ground. My smile dropped a bit, but came back up with an idea. "I know someone who can help with that, my dear." I lifted her head by the chin and smiled gently. She looked up at me, hope in her eyes. "R-Really?" She sniffled.

I nodded and took her hand, leading her towards the front door. "W-Wait, I need to bring someone with me." She protested. I can tell she was quite nervous about leaving the hotel. "It's ok, darling. I won't let anyone hurt you. I promise." I smiled back at her. I saw all her worries get replaced with a smile.

I smiled back at her as we left the hotel. I never bought a car cause I felt like there was no use to getting one if it was just going to be stolen or vandalized. Plus, I like walking around, brings more terror to those around me which brings me joy. The walk wasn't that far, plus if she got tired, I'd just carry her the rest of the way. Just to the elevator to the Greed Ring then to Stolas' place. He'll help me. I know he will.

On the way there, I noticed a couple of demons catcalling her and whistling to get her attention. I'm taking notes of those who do so I can torture them later. I wrapped my arm around her to make her feel more safe, she held onto me like a little sloth. How cute...

Soon, we reached the elevator and went to the Greed Ring. We continued on towards Stolas' lovely home. Soon, my dear, you and I will share a home like this. I thought to myself as I knocked on the door. Surprisingly, Stolas opened the door. "Oh, hello Alastor! I thought you were my Blitzy." He chuckled and looked behind me. "And whose this?"

(Y/n) hid behind me shyly. "This is my dearest friend, (Y/n)." I explained. From the way I said 'friend', he understood me and smiled. "Me and (Y/n) would like to go to the living realm, since she's never been there before."

"Hmm." Stolas hummed. "Unfortunately, I do not have the book. But I will give my Blitzy a call and we'll figure things out. He works at I.M.P. which isn't far from here." We both thanked him and we left for this I.M.P.

~Timeskip cause author deosn't have time for chit-chat🍵~

"Alright, y'all ready?" Blitzo asked, upset since he couldn't come. Me and (Y/n) nodded. I covered (Y/n)'s eyes to keep where we're going a surprise. She flinched a bit but went with it. Blizto opened the portal and I lead (Y/n) through. Two Imps named Millie and Moxxie came through just to make sure we were safe.

~Your POV~

"Hey, Al? Why does the ground feel all wet and squishy? Where are we?" I asked. He chuckled softly. "You'll soon see, darling." The air felt moist and I could hear crickets in the background, it was calming. "You ready, my dear?" Alastor asked, still covering my eyes. I nodded, excitedly. "Mhm!"

He uncovered my eyes and revealed a rather beautiful swamp, it was littered with nature and creatures of all sorts. The area was sprinkled with fireflies and the stars shone next to the moon perfectly.

 The area was sprinkled with fireflies and the stars shone next to the moon perfectly

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(Basically dis, ignore Al eating Bambi's mom :>)

~Alastor's POV cause bored~

I waited in silence as she just stared in front of her. Did she not like it? "Do.. Do you like it darling?" I asked her. She turned around, tears in her eyes and a smile on her face. "It's so much more beautiful than everyone said it would be." She sniffled and ran into my arms. "Oh, thank you, Alastor! Thank you so much." She cried into my chest.

My face heated up a bit as I hugged her back. "Anything for you darling....."

"Absolutely anything~"

(A/n) Hope y'all liked it, love u all

Alastor's Doe (Female deer Cherub Reader x Yandere Alastor)Where stories live. Discover now