Chapter 11

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(A/n) Well, I'm going to let the voting continue, but I'm just gonna add a lil spice bc, well, it's a simp writing this bs. Pardon my shitty suggestive writing skills, it's my first time ever doing this and I'm kinda nervous about it 😅 hope ya love it tho

~Your POV~
It's been a couple weeks since I yelled at Deerie and she's been acting strange. Whenever me and Alastor were alone, Deerie would watch us, she'd follow us wherever we went and she'd flip out when Alastor barely touched me. I was getting tired of it, but Al seemed to enjoy it. Whenever he saw her, he'd place his hand on mine with the most mischievous grin. I've told him to knock it off, but of course, he won't.

I sat in my room and at my desk, designing themes for a party idea Charlie had suggested. I was thinking of a neon party, since all we ever had were formal parties in Heaven which I got tired of quickly. It's very original but still enjoyable and just as fun, and since drinking a little bit isn't a sin, I was excited to try alcohol for the first time.

My thoughts were interrupted when I felt a pair of slender arms wrap around my waist along with some radio static. "Hey Al." I said without moving my eyes from the paper. "Hello, mon chéri. What are you working on?" He asked while peeking over my head. "Just a party idea for Charlie, I'm thinking neon." I smiled. "That sounds lovely, I'm so happy you're enjoying working here." Alastor said into my ear. "Me too, now let me work, you love sick dope!" I laughed while pushing him away.

"But mon amour, you're so irresistible." He purred while burying his face into the crook of my neck. "A-Al stop that tickles!" I laughed as he held me closer to him. I felt him start to kiss and lick my neck, making me shiver. "Alastor, Deerie could walk in here!" I whispered.

When I said that, Alastor snapped his fingers and we were in his room and on his bed. "Wh-What the?! Al! Bad deer! Stop ack!" He flopped on top of me and laid there, purring. "Al I can't breathe!" I laughed. Alastor moved off of me and next to me, pulling me into his arms.

"Alastor, why are we here?" I asked while messing with his hair. "I just want to spend some time with you. Show you how much I love you." He sighed into my neck. He started to kiss it again, licking it every once in a while. I covered my mouth to prevent any noises leaving my mouth. (I'm sorry guys I know I'm shit at this😭)

"Don't be shy, my love. It's just us~" He purred while sucking on my neck. I whimpered slightly at his actions, making him chuckle. "You're so cute. We should do this more often." "I-I-I'd rather not. I'm busy with pl-planning the party for.. Charlie." I mumbled softly. Alastor stopped and looked up at me. "Do you want me to stop? I understand if this makes you uncomfortable."

"No no, it's not that it's just. Well, I'm new to this whole loving thing. It'll take me time to get used to." I explained. I felt my face getting warmer at the thought of me and Al.. yknow. "I understand completely." Alastor said while sitting up. "W-Wait, I didn't ask you to stop." I blurted out. Alastor looked at me with a shocked expression. "You're ok with it?" He asked. I nodded shyly in response, rubbing my neck. Alastor smirked as he returned to his original position and started kissing my neck again. I sighed happily, enjoying the feeling Alastor was giving me.

A knock at the door made Alastor's head perk up. "Are you fucking kidding me?" He growled, making me laugh. "Language, Bambi." I giggled. Alastor sighed and got up to answer the door. It was Angel. He peeked into the room and saw me, then smirked at Alastor. "I knew today would be interesting." He batted his eyes at Alastor, who glared at him. "Angel this better be important or I will kill you." Alastor growled at him.

"Al! Be nice!" I threw a pillow at his head, catching him off guard. Angel snickered softly while looking at me. "I knew you two would be needing some private time, just wanted to check in. Cya toots! Cya Smiles!" Angel skipped down the hall to the elevator. Alastor closed the door again and gave me a mischievous smile. "You're gonna pay for that darling." He pounced onto the bed and started tickling me.

"Al! No wait! Stop!" I laughed, trying to push him away, buy me pulled me into his lap and continued his reign of tickling. I kicked my legs and swung my arms around, trying to wiggle free from his grasp. "Apologize and I'll consider it, my dear (Y/n)!" Alastor laughed. "I-I'm sorry I'm sorry! Now stop before I puke!" I said between laughs. He finally stopped and I laid in his lap, trying to catch my breath. "Jerk." "My love." We said to each other.

"You're annoying." I joked. "And you love it." Alastor replied before kissing my lips. I closed my eyes and wrapped my arms around his neck as his tongue entered my mouth like he had done nights before. I was still a little uncertain about my kissing skills, but Al loved it so I wasn't too worried. We kissed for several minutes until we parted for air. "Such a talented kisser, my doe." Alastor purred while giving me a love sick look. "Says you, I'm pretty sure you've done this several times." I chuckled softly. "Surprisingly no, you're my first kiss. My first love. And now you're already my everything." He replied while rubbing my cheek. "You're so romantic, Al. I love it." I replied while putting my hand on his.

(A/n) There we go! Mild spice and some wholesome cause I like wholesome. Don't come at me pls-

Alastor's Doe (Female deer Cherub Reader x Yandere Alastor)Where stories live. Discover now