Chapter 16

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(A/n) Warning: spicy kiss scene. I can't believe I'm doing this shit for yall and you guys like this. But yknow gotta make meh pplz happy so let's get this shit going.

We drove for quite a long time, 4-6 hours in total without stopping. It was all mostly city until about 2 hours later when the buildings went away and just trees. Trees for miles and miles on end. The members of I.M.P. seemed to dislike the forest, they seemed more uncomfortable. Millie kept quiet most of the time while Moxxie kept muttering to himself 'I'm ok' which worried me a lot. Alastor on the other hand, seemed happier. Calmer. He looked outside the window most of the time when he wasn't looking at me. When things got awkwardly quiet, he'd tell us stories from his life like how he hunted and some funny interactions with others. My favorite was when he was cooking with his mother, she sounded amazing. I'm sure I've met her once in Heaven, there's no way she'd be in Hell she certainly sounds like an angel!

The van came to a slow stop and Blitzø looked around. "Uh the road ended, should we turn around?" He asked while turning to Alastor. "No, the rest of the way is on foot. We can walk. Thank you for the ride." Alastor replied as Millie opened the door for us. "No problem. Come and visit us sometime, you two seem fun." Blitzø said with a smile. Millie grabbed my bag and stuffed bear for me and handed them to me, along with a piece of paper. "Here's my number if you ever wanna text or call. You seem like such a doll!" She picked me up for a tight hug and holy crap was she strong. She set me down with a smile. "And we would love for you to come over sometime! I'll add you to our groupchat so we can plan fun days and stuff." She hopped back into the van as Alastor got out. We stepped back so Blitzø could turn the van around and rive away, Millie and Moxxie poking their heads out and waving goodbye.

"So, Al. How long is this walk?" I asked while looking up at him. "20 miles." He replied while looking down at me. "20 miles?! It'll take us like 5 hours to get there! Plus it's dark!" I exclaimed nervously. Alastoe let out a laugh and grabbed my hand. "Darling, it'll be fine. We'll take lots of breaks and move quickly." He said while leading me away from the road. I let out a groan and followed him. This was going to be a long 5 hours...

《5 hours later...》

We finally made it to the cabin which seemed quite big on the outside, two stories. Alastor walked up to the cabin, carrying my other bags. "You coming, my dear?" He asked. I climbed over a log and flopped on the ground, panting heavily. "I... phew... I'm gonna die." I complained. Alastor chuckled and set my bags down by the door before walking over to me, looming over me. "Darling, are you alright?" He asked. "I feel like I just ran all around Heavn sixteen times... I want to sleep so bad right now." I huffed while looking up at him. He let out a small chuckle and bent down to pick me up. "Don't worry, darling. There's a nice, comfy bed waiting inside for us." He said while carrying me to the porch. "Yaaay." I said tiredly.

Alastor opened the door with his left hand while carrying me in his right arm, closing the door behind him. The living room to the cabin was almost as big as the hotel lobby, a large red couch and a chair by the fireplace which was lit. Deer heads were propped up on the wall possibly from his previous hunts. A demon alligator laid by the fireplace, the spikes on it's back rising and falling as it slept. "His name is Fang, he's quite cuddly." Alastor seemed to notice me staring at the reptile. I gave him a tired nod as he went upstairs. "Al, my bags-" "They're in our room." He interrupted me. I was going to ask how but he seemed to have read my mind. "Darling, you shouldn't worry how I did it. You need to rest. It is 5 AM after all."

"5? We've been up all night." I said before letting out a long yawn. Alastor nodded. "Indeed, you need to sleep mon amour." He opened the door to the master bedroom, which was red as well. It had pictures from his life and more deer heads along with a large moose head. A desk sat by the corner of the room by the window, scattered papers along it's surface. The bed was a king sized bed with soft blankets of different shades of red, two red and black giant pillows on the bed as well.

Alastor's Doe (Female deer Cherub Reader x Yandere Alastor)Where stories live. Discover now