Chapter 14

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(A/n) Welp, another day another chapter. I'm trying to have a schedule on when I post so then I actually attempt and stay focused cause holy shit I get distracted WAYYYYY to easily smh. Anyways enjoy this shit.

~Your POV~

"A little to the left, ok now just an inch to the right. Up just a teeny bit... perfect!" Charlie instructed as me and Honey adjusted a banner saying 'Welcome' on the front of the hotel. "Ok, anything else we need to help with?" I asked while flying down next to the demon princess. "We could use more neon decorations by the door and on the railings. Ooh! And I'll have to ask Alastor to change the lights to more neon colors." She replied.

Alastor came out of the hotel and looked up at our work. "Splendid job! It looks quite nice!" Alastor said with a smile. "Hey Al, can you change the color of the lights on the main sign? I want them to change from green, pink and yellow." Charlie asked. Alastor nodded and snapped his fingers, the lights immediately changed to green which flashed to pink, and so on.

"Thanks!" Charlie pat his shoulder and went inside with Honey, leaving me and Alastor alone outside. I heard Alastor walk up next to me and lean against the railings, interrupting my work. "Al, I need you to move so I can finish." I laughed softly. "Hmm, no you don't! You can just go around." He hummed with a his usual smile. "But these bows are connected with ribbon, you'll be apart of the decorations, silly!" I shook my head while poking his cheek.

"But, my dear, what if that's what I want~" He whispered in a seductive tone. My eyes widened and I felt my face heat up, gasping. "Al no no! Bad deer!" I threw a bow at him and he giggled. "Oh excited to start, are we chéri?" He purred while pulling me closer to him. "Nuh uh! Bad! Bad horny deer! Hands to yourself!" I started hitting him with the ribbon, earning more laughs. "Alright, alright! I'm done (Y/n)!"

"You better be! Now move!" I managed to push him away from the rails and continued to place the bows neatly and even spaced. Once I finished, I looked back at my work, smiling with satisfaction. My smile quickly fell when I saw Alastor getting closer to a bow, a shit eating grin plastered on his face. "Don't you dare." I hissed at him, narrowing my eyes. Alastor glanced down at the bow with half lidded eyes, then looking back at me. He tilted it ever so slightly that only I would notice. "Woops." He hummed softly.

I huffed softly and flew over, flicking his nose then returned to the bow. "Now no touchy!" Alastor ignored my warning and reached for the bow again, but I grabbed his wrist. "Stoooop! You'll ruin my hard work!" I whined and tried to drag him away from the railings with bows. "But ma chérie, you're so cute when you're annoyed!" Alastor protested and stayed still. I growled quietly while flying over to his back and pushing him away. "Alright, alright I'm going, my love." Alastor laughed.

"Hey guys! Wanna go to the mall with us to grab clothes for the party?" Charlie said while coming out through the entrance of the hotel, the others following. "We'd love to Charlotte!" Alastor said with a smile and gently grabbing my hand, leading me to the while limousine everyone else was going into, including the Cherubs.

~Alastor's POV bc we love him~

We all had gotten into the limousine and made our way to the mall. The Cherubs chattered amongst themselves while Charlie and Vaggie spoke to each other, Nifty listening. Angel was laying on Husk paying attention to his small pink glowing device while Husk was passed out. I looked over at Deerie, who just stared at me with a blank face. I gently grabbed (Y/n)'s hand and placed a kiss on it, making Deerie narrow her eyes at me. Oh how I loved to abuse my power over her. (Y/n) on the other hand smiled and kissed my hand, making me feel all warm and fuzzy inside like the day we met.

We arrived at the mall and got out of the limo then headed inside. As much as I hated to, I had to let go of my doe's hand. I didn't want anyone to know or suspect our relationship. I can tell (Y/n) didn't like it either when she pouted as I let go of her hand. However, her reaction was absolutely adorable and made it even harder to resist her touch.

Alastor's Doe (Female deer Cherub Reader x Yandere Alastor)Where stories live. Discover now