Chapter 12

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(A/n) So uh my gf played me. She lied for, oh I dunno, almost a month heh. Its funny cause I was so obsessed with her, i loved her more than life. Usually I sulk and cry after a break up. But you know what? Fuck it! Fuck her! I got you guys, I don't need some dumb partner to make me happy. I have you guys! You guys make me feel so happy! Yall are my everything! Anyways ⚠️TW: very possessive deer man and violence⚠️ Let's just say Al is tired of Deerie keeping you away. And it's just useless to you guys but can you say 'Fuck you Alex' for me? Just to blow off steam yk lol

~Alastor's POV~

I was getting back to cuddling with my love when her small rectangular device buzzed. (Y/n) looked down at it and her eyes widened. "Uh oh, Deerie needs me. Sorry Al, can we continue this later?" She gave a smile than drove me crazy as usual. "Of course, mon chéri. If you ever want to continue, I'm always available." I placed a gentle kiss on her forehead, earning a little giggle from her. "Will do, Bambi." (Y/n) gave one more smile before getting off the bed and leaving the room, closing it behind her.

I stayed there for about 5 seconds before following her out the door and down the hall. That's when I hears the familiar, annoying, revolting even, feminine voice. "(Y/n)! There you are! Where were you? I couldn't find you in our room." Deerie said before sniffing. "Don't tell me you were with him." She sounded disgusted when the brought me up. Little selfish cherub..

"I, in fact, was. But that's none of your concern. Now why did you need me?" (Y/n)'s enchanting voice seemed to calm my angering thoughts. Deerie completely ignored her question. "Why?! Why are you always with him? What do you see in him? He smells bad and he dresses snobbily." "Snobbily?! He's the classiest guy in Hell! And he smells more of a nice, comforting campfire in the woods, unlike how you portrayed him in saying he smells like rotting flesh and swamp water." (Y/n) retorded. "And you need to stop getting so worked up when I just mention him. He's done nothing wrong to me. Never will. He promised Charlie he wouldn't lay a finger on any of us in a harmful way." (Y/n) explained.

Unfortunately, my dear, I might have to take back on that promise. I muttered in my head. Deerie scoffed obnoxiously. "He is down here for a reason, and you shouldn't be talking back to me like that. I am your older sister." "Isn't that how conversations work? Talking back and forth?" (Y/n) scoffed back, mocking her. I heard the two does wings start to flap away, one flapping angrily. Must be Deerie's. I peeked around the corner and watched them go.

I decided to go back down the hall and enter their shared room. You could tell which side of the room was whose. Deerie's side was much more organized and had only work things, while (Y/n)'s was slightly messy and had stuffed animals, sweets and little fidget toys here and there. On (Y/n)'s desk chair was the stuffed bear I gave her weeks ago. I didn't even realize it was there when I had come in. I walked over to the bear and pet it, it's now matted fur was worn with affection. I leaned down and inhaled the bears scent, the only scent was (Y/n)'s sweet smell.

I smiled with satisfaction and walked away from the bear to Deerie's desk. I went through the desk drawers, finding nothing. I was going to move on until I saw my name on one of the papers. I eyed the paper once more before sitting down in the chair to read it. It seemed to be a conversation written down between Deerie and Rachael.

Hey Rach.

Hey Deerie. Why are we talking on a paper?

I don't want Alastor to hear us. I want to talk about him and (Y/n).

Aren't they adorable? I'm surprised they aren't dating. Look at him! He's so polite to her, how he holds her hand whenever Husk is yelling or when she's anxious. He's so perfect for her.

Alastor's Doe (Female deer Cherub Reader x Yandere Alastor)Where stories live. Discover now