Chapter 2

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~Your POV~

It's been about a week since we first arrived in Hell, we've gone back and forth through Hell and Heaven and the hotel has been.... not so good. We've only had a few demons stay and some of them are just for, what did Angel call it again? A one night stand? All I remember is that it is highly inappropriate but a very common thing here in Hell.

I flew over to Charlie's office and knocked on the door. "Yes, come in." She called and I flew in. "Deerie told me to pick up some papers that we can do for you." I flew over by her and her girlfriend, Vaggie. "We're so glad that you could come and help us out, Charlie has been prepping up the hotel for your visit since she first heard about it." Vaggie chuckled. "Y-Yeah, we've been excited too, I was a little nervous, but now I know that we'll be safe." I said, grabbing the papers from Charlie and flew out the door back to the room I share with Deerie.

I headed towards the elevator, pressed the button to go up and waited for the door to open. The door opened to reveal Alastor. "O-Oh, I'm sorry. I-I'll just take the stairs." I said, slightly panicking and flew quickly to the stairs. "Wait!" He called and I stopped. "Um, y-yes?" I asked, looking back at him. "I just wanted to say that I won't hurt you and that you can trust me, my dear. I may be a cannibal but Charlie made us swear that we wouldn't hurt you, and I wouldn't even hurt you in the first place." He explained.

For some reason, that made me feel worse, I was on the verge of a panic attack. "Mhm, y-yeah, good to know. Bye!" I flew quickly up the stairs and straight to me and Deerie's room. "(Y/n)! Are you ok?" She rushed over to me as I sat on the ground. "N-No, I'm terrified of this guy! A-And wherever I-I go, he's there! He's always there, Deerie!" I cried, curling up into a ball. Ever since day one, I've been seeing Alastor everywhere. Yes, everywhere. The kitchen, the lobby, Charlie's office, the garden, everywhere I go, he's always there. It's almost like he's waiting for me, waiting for my weakest point so he could attack me when no one is around, rip me apart and eat me for lunch.

"It's ok, (Y/n). I'll stay by your side till we get to Heaven tomorrow night." She assured me, wrapping her arms around me. "T-Tomorrow night?!" I said backing up. "Charlie wants us to stay the night, something about a slumber party. It's ok, though. I won't let that Bambi reject get near you." She smiled. I couldn't help but to laugh at her little remark. He does look like a Bambi reject...

~Alastor's POV~

I watched as the little doe left, almost bursting into tears. Do I scare her that much? I thought to myself. In the corner of my eye, I saw Honey and Bea sitting on the couch, talking to Nifty. I smiled with an idea.

I walked over to the little bee cherubs and Nifty. "Hello, ladies! How are you on this fine day?" I asked, looking down at them. Bea hid behind Honey who shook nervously. "W-W-We're fine Mr. R-Radio Demon." Honey said nervously. "Hi Al!" Nifty smiled warmly at me. "I have a question for you two, what does (Y/n) like?" I asked as Nifty went to go clean something. "Oh, um she likes soft, fluffy things, anything sweet, she really likes chocolate and cinnamon rolls." Honey said nervously as Bea flew off towards Charlie's office. "Thank you, my dear!" I said as I headed towards the front door to retrieve gifts for (Y/n)

~Time skip and Your POV~

I was doing some paperwork when I heard a knock on the door. Since Deerie wasn't in the room, I cautiously flew over to the door and opened it. No one was there, only a box with a note on top. I picked it up and shut the door behind me, flying over to the bed to open it. The note cursive handwriting and read 'I'm sorry for scaring you, my dear. Here is a little piece offering. -Alastor' At the end was a little heart.

I set the note down and opened the medium sized box. Inside was an adorable, extremely fluffy bear with horns, some different type of chocolates and a cinnamon roll in a plastic container. I smiled at the box of gifts and took the stuffed bear out, hugging it. It was softer and fluffier than it looked! Still hugging the bear, I grabbed some chocolate and began eating it happily. I'll have to thank him for this later. I thought to myself as I carried the bear to my desk and continued doing the paperwork.

(A/n) Yay another chapter! I'm glad that people are reading this and I really do hope you enjoyed it :D

Alastor's Doe (Female deer Cherub Reader x Yandere Alastor)Where stories live. Discover now