Chapter 5

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~Your POV~

After about 20 minutes we stopped playing Truth or Dare and just hung out and talked. Angel yawned and stood up from the couch. "Welp, Imma go to bed. Cya toots." He waved and left, following Husk and Nifty out the room. I waved back and yawned, rubbing my eyes. "Tired, my dear?" Alastor asked in a gentle tone. I nodded sleepily and folded my wings.

"May I help you get to your room?" He asked with a small smile. I felt my face heat up a bit and I nodded. He gently picked me up and carried me to my room. On the way, he hummed what seemed to be a lullaby, and I felt my worries melt away. I felt my eyes grow heavy and my body go limp. Soon, I fell asleep, and all I could hear is his sweet voice.

~Alastor's POV~

I hummed for what seemed like seconds til I heard her little snores. I looked at her small, fragile body. Oh, the things I'd do to mark her as mine... Scratch it.... Bite it... Maybe something a little more pleasing~

My mind raced with ways to make her mine. Only mine. She isn't something I can just share. If anyone had laid their filthy, disgusting hands on her, their skin would be on my wall in seconds. I would kill everyone in this damn hotel just to be able to see her. Heck, I'd kill all of Hell for her. Even her little cherub friends...

"Alastor?" Deerie's voice interrupted my thoughts. "O-Oh! Hello, my dear!" "What did you do to (Y/n), you monster!" She yelled at me. I chuckled. "I have done nothing, she just fell asleep in my arms. Poor, sweet thing must've been exhausted." I smiled maliciously while staring into Deerie's eyes.

She stared back at me, fury in her eyes. How amusing... "Now, if you'll excuse me, I have put her to bed." I turned around and kept walking. I heard her sigh and follow me. I ignored her little rude comments about being a cannibal and focused on (Y/n)'s fluffy fur. It was so soft... so comforting... I just want to bury my face into her fur and not have a care in the world.

"Here we are. And stop rubbing her head!" She hissed and trying removing my hand from (Y/n)'s head. I moved away. "Touchy, aren't we?" I teased. She growled and unlocked the door, letting me inside. I gently set her on her bed and kissed her soft head. "Good night, (Y/n). Hope you have nightmares, Deerie." I chuckled on my way out.

Once I got to my room, I looked down at my hand, and in the middle of it was a little piece of fur. (Y/n)'s fur. I glanced over at my voodoo dolls. Charlie, Vaggie, Angel, Vox... and very soon, (Y/n). Once I make a doll that looks like her, put the fur in the doll, and put one of my pins in where her heart is, I can make her feel whatever I want. I laughed quietly. She'll be mine very soon~

(A/n) Sup, here. Enjoy my simps :>

Alastor's Doe (Female deer Cherub Reader x Yandere Alastor)Where stories live. Discover now