Chapter 4

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~Alastor's POV~

To be honest, I wasn't paying any attention to the movie, but to (Y/n). She held onto me like a leech during some certain scary scenes which made my heart beat faster and my tail wag. Since she was born in Heaven, I'm sure that she has never seen a movie like this so it was quite terrifying to the little doe. I would've said no to this movie but I saw it as an opportunity to get closer to her, to finally connect with her. Thankfully, it worked and so far, she hasn't let go of me.

During the part where the main pirate fought that undead captain, she had buried her face in my chest, whimpering. I took the chance to pet her fluffy head. Oh my Lucifer, she's the softest thing I have ever touched! I thought to myself. As I continued to pet (Y/n)'s head, I looked over at Deerie who stared at me with an angry expression. I chuckled and hugged (Y/n) while looking at Deerie in the eyes.

Her ears bent back and she scoffed, looking back at the TV. My smile grew and I looked down at (Y/n). She was no longer watching the movie but was asleep, her face in my chest and she curled up into a little ball. I felt my face heat up and I began to purr quietly while petting her soft head. "Alastor and (Y/n) sitting in your room, f u c k i n g~" Angel snickered. "Why must you ruin everything with your sexual comments?" I looked over at him. He nodded and went back to cuddling Husk. (I ship them, ok? No judging!)

Once the movie was over, we all decided to play some games, so I had to wake (Y/n) up. I didn't want to, but I didn't want her to miss out on any of the fun. I gently shook her. "(Y/n), my dear, do you want to play some games?" I asked quietly. She groaned and stretched. "Hm?" She looked up at me tiredly. "Mmm sure I'll play some games." She rubbed her eyes and put her head on my chest again. I chuckled. "Dear, you need to get up to be able to play games." "Fiiiiiiiiiiiiine." She whined and got off of me, flying to Charlie and Vaggie.

~Your POV~

"Oh hey (Y/n)! Wanna play with us? We're planning on playing either spin the bottle or truth or dare. Which one would you like?" Charlie asked me. "I'm fine with either-" "TRUTH OR DARE!" Angel yelled from across the room. Charlie giggled. "Truth or dare it is!" "I'll sit this one out." Vaggie said. "So will we." Deerie spoke for all of the cherubs. "I'll play though." I said. "(Y/n)-" "Deerie, you can't boss me around. Let me have fun for once." I said flying over to Angel Dust, Husk, Nifty and Alastor, Vaggie and Charlie following.

We all sat down in a circle and I sat between Angel and Alastor. "Alright, who wants to go first?" Charlie asked. "Ooh me!" Nifty said excitedly. "Uhm, Angel truth or dare?" "Dare sweet cheeks." He said, messing with his chest fluff. "Can you not have sex with Husker? Just for tonight?" She asked. I couldn't help but to laugh. Husker spit out his cheep booze and yelled at Angel. "YOU PROMISED YOU WOULDN'T SAY ANYTHING DIPSHIT!" "I DIDN'T! I'M JUST TOO LOUD! For fuck's sake." Angel face palmed.

"Anyways, Al. Truth or dare?" Angel looked at Alastor. "Hmm, I'm feeling a bit confident.. Dare." Alastor said. "I dare ya to... y'know with (Y/n)." He chuckled and Alastor went red. I just sat there, confused. What did Angel mean?? "What do you mean, Angel?" I asked him. "Hahaha! Let's not find out, shall we, my dear?" Alastor said, pulling me away from Angel. "Aww, y'all are so damn cute together. Just date already." Angel smirked at us. I blushed a bit. "Angel, please stop." I asked. "Alright, alright. Fine." He crossed his arms.

(A/n) I'm up early again, Ik I should try to sleep but I said 'fuck sleep I have some shit on wattpad to do' :>

Alastor's Doe (Female deer Cherub Reader x Yandere Alastor)Where stories live. Discover now