Chapter 9

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(A/n) Kinda focusing on this story a bit because I feel like I need to catch this book up, my Verosika book will be next. I wanna do a Pumpkin Rabbit x reader cause ✨wow✨ he's hot. I got issues bro-

And did you know that the smaller a deer's antlers are, the bigger they're dick?

hold up-

poggers, y'all r fucked, I'm safe cause I'm the author

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poggers, y'all r fucked, I'm safe cause I'm the author. Losers lmfao/j (I'm still safe tho U-U)

Dude you can barely see his antlers behind his big ass fluffy ears, holy fuck-

~Author's POV cause I'm i m p o r t a n t~

It's been a couple days since Alastor's date with the lovely (Y/n), and his obsessions and desires began to get worse. He'd stalk her, follow her every movement. He'd even stand outside of her bathroom, listening to you as you sang in the shower. Thankfully, he was a gentleman, so he didn't peek, as much as his heart desired to. His hunger for her touch grew every second he looked at her. He even... aHeM turned to pleasing himself as a way to contain his emotions. It helped but also made things worse.

~Alastor's POV~

I watched as (Y/n) ate lunch with Angel and Husker, my heart pounding as I just stared. Her gorgeous deep/bright (e/c) eyes, her extremely soft and fluffy (h/c) fur. And her sweet sweet voice, I want to hear her sing so badly, I want to hear her sing a lullaby just for me. I want to run my fingers through her soft fur. I want to make her smile in a way no other can. I want to make her blush, I want to-

"Alastor, what are you doing?" I heard Vaggie behind me. "Oh, hello Vagatha!" I said happily. "It's Vaggie, and stop spying on (Y/n). I see you looking at her all the time! Stop it, it's creepy, weird and absolutely unnecessary!" She fumed at me. All I did was roll my eyes and chuckle. "Darling, what I do is none of your business. If you have such a problem with it, then just stop me." I hissed darkly while staring into her eye.

"I will." She hissed back. Vaggie turned around and began walking over to where the cherubs sat. "Shit." I mumbled to myself. I looked over to see (Y/n) walking out of the dining room. No no no, I can't let Deerie get to her! I thought to myself as I quickly followed her, sneaking up behind her.

~Your POV~

I was flying down out of the dining room when I felt a large hand over my mouth and an arm around my waist, dragging me into a hallway and into one of the closets used for supplies. I quickly escaped from their grasp and looked up to see Alastor. "Alastor?! What are you doing?! You scared m-" Alastor put his hand over my mouth, shushing me. "Shhh. Vaggie suspects something between us. I'm afraid she might tell Deerie and she'll take you away and I'll never see you again." He muttered quietly.

"Hey, it's ok Alastor, she won't take me away. I promise." I rested my hoof on his cheek, making his smile soften. He put his hand on my hoof and leaned into my touch. "Darling, may I kiss you again? But in a more.... romantic way?" He asked in a slightly seductive tone. I responded, flustered. "I-I... um, I don't know how."

He held my hoof in his hand gently. "It's alright if you say no, darling. I won't force you to do anything." He smiled gently. I inhaled before making my decision. "O-Ok, but I've never actually kissed anyone before so it'll be really really bad." "Oh, I bet you are an amazing kisser, my little doe." He responded in a husky tone, making me shiver.

(A/n) Sorry if this kissing scene is bad but I tried so give me some grace pls. Now if you'll excuse me, Imma go cry while eating mochi ice cream in my tortilla blanket-

The kiss started out gentle but got more passionate by the minute. I felt his tongue graze my bottom lip and I hesitated before opening my mouth, letting his tongue slide into my mouth. His large tongue explored every inch of my mouth as I felt his grasp on my hip tighten, but not enough to hurt me. I squeaked when he pushed me up against the wall, leaving no space between us. He groaned into the kiss, causing my face to heat up like a heater.

After a while, we parted leaving a trail of saliva from our lips. Alastor wiped his mouth, chuckling. "We should do that more often." I covered my red face, squeaking. "What's wrong?" Alastor asked. "Did you not like it? Did I go too far?" "N-No, just my first time s-so I'm kinda flustered by it, heh." I stuttered. "Mm, well, don't tell anyone or we could be in big trouble, my dear." He put his finger on his mouth and winked. "I promise. I won't tell anyone." I winked back, causing him to laugh.

"Well.. We should probably get out of the closet." He chuckled softly. Before I could respond, he snapped his fingers and teleported us back into the dining room. "Oh wow, that was cool!" I smiled brightly at him. "God, you're so adorable.." He mumbled, petting my head and kissing my forehead. "May you sleep with me tonight? I promise I won't do anything to you." He whispered. I nodded. Then we heard a loud gasp behind us. We turned around to see Angel. "I FUCKING KNEW IT! YES!" He shouted, running off. "ANGEL GET BACK HERE!" Alastor hissed while chasing after him.

(A/n) Hope y'all enjoyed my first actual kissing scene. And please send bleach. I beg of you, please-

Alastor's Doe (Female deer Cherub Reader x Yandere Alastor)Where stories live. Discover now