Chapter 15

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(A/n) Wanna know what's funny? I was actually considering canceling writing and just deleting my account like a month ago because I was never updating it n shit. Glad I didn't though because it's a lot of fun writing somewhat good stories for you all to enjoy. Oh and my birthday is like in a month, June to be specific. I have no idea what I'm gonna do, possibly a discord call when I get the Alastor server up and running which might be a long time since it's my second server to ever make. I'm also getting help from another author which I'm really thankful for. Anyways enjoy lol

~Your POV~

It was the day of the party and everyone was pretty chill to be honest. Well, except for Charlie who was running around the hotel, making sure everything was perfect. Poor Vaggie followed her troubled girlfriend around. "Charlie, it's ok. Everything is perfect and ready for the party." She reassured her troubled partner. "But what if something goes wrong! Someone could bring a weapon and try to hurt others!" She paced back and forth in the lobby. "You're the princess of Hell, don't you have guards?" I asked while spinning in a bar stool at the bar counter.

Charlie spun towards me with a large smile. "Yes! Guards! (Y/n) you're a genius! I'll go call my dad!" She ran off to her office with Vaggie following behind her. I continued spinning and saw Deerie sit next to me. "Hey sis! What's up?" I asked cheerfully. "What's up? What's up? Did you seriously just ask that?!" She hissed. I stopped spinning and faced her, seeing an angry expression on her face. "What's wrong?" I asked. All she did was scoff and cross her arms while glaring at me. "Deerie, c'mon, you know I don't read your mind." I joked while elbowing her, earning a growl. "Stop messing around! You shouldn't-" "Be around the Radio Demon, same story as always." I finished her sentence.

"And I mean it! You two are always touching, always together, basically inseparable! It's not healthy and you need to cut this addiction." She explained with a more sympathetic look. I chuckled softly and shook my head. "Addiction? Deerie, there's no 'addiction' in our relationship." Deerie looked around and leaned closer to me to whisper. "You may not have an addiction, but he does. He's absolutely crazy for you, it's not good. So.. I've talked to Michael, you're leaving tomorrow." "WHAT?!" My eyes widened and I leaned away from her. "It's for your own safety, this isn't good (Y/n)! After the party, pack your things. You will be going back to Heaven." Deerie said and left without another word.

I stared in shock the way she left with my mouth agape. I looked down at the ground, tears threatening to fall. Leave? Now? Why? I can't leave! I've dedicated myself to the project, loving Alastor was unexpected and unplanned but I went with it. I can't leave, I won't leave. Alastor wouldn't accept it, he won't let me leave so easily. I got off the stool and ran to Alastor's office, knocking on it. "Come in!" He yelled through the door. I didn't waste a single second and opened the door, running to Alastor and latching onto him, tears streaming down my cheeks.

"Darling, what's wrong?" He asked and set his work aside to pull me into his lap and hug me. "D-Deerie, she... she talked to M-M-Michael a-and I'm forced to go back to Heaven forever tomorrow!" I cried into his chest, breathing quickly. I felt him tense up and his grip on me tightened. We just stayed like this for a while, the room was mostly silent other than my small sobs. "Darling." He said in a serious tone I have never heard before. I looked up at him, perking my ears up. He placed his hand on my cheek and rubbed his thumb gently. "I will not let you go. We are going to go somewhere where they'll never find us. It'll just be you and me for the rest of eternity. But you must be ok with that, of course we would be able to visit the hotel when the Cherubs are gone, but you will possibly never see your sister again." His eyes were glowing brighter and he stared at me with the most serious and least welcoming smile I've ever seen.

Alastor's Doe (Female deer Cherub Reader x Yandere Alastor)Where stories live. Discover now