Chapter 5: The training begins

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This chapter is dedicated to my cutiepie 

Happy birthday eri

Maygod bless you and r**** with a long and peaceful life

Enjoy your day

So here is the chapter

Avu- ok grandma but I can't follow many of the rules as I don't know how to do them

Grandma- don't worry that's what you are being trained for. It's evening so let's start with balancing a few items.

Avu- ok grandma

They both went towards the open area of the garden. Then Grandma told Avu to stand on a stone on a raised platform. She then instructed her to open her arms wide and take her leg up and balance herself. Avu was successful in doing that as she was a waitress in the cafe so she was good at balancing.

(A/N: I know that was a very weird reason for Avu being able to balance but you have to adjust cause your author is also weird and crazy 😜. )

Then she kept a book on Avu's head which made Avu lose a balance a bit but she somehow balanced. Like this they practiced balancing for half an hour. Then

Grandma- now come Avu let's come to dining etiquettes

Avu- yes grandma

Then they both went to the tea spot. Grandma sat on the table and told Avu to serve tea. As Avu was a waitress she served the tea but not as a Princess. Then Grandma taught her how to serve tea with elegance. After a few tries Avu finally got it.

Grandma was happy with Avu's progress in her training. She was improving day by day and was adapting to an environment that was made for a Princess.

Like this a week passed and Avu had learned a lot of new things. She was expert in solving all the problems of the trade in her province. She had also started behaving like a Princess now. She used to wear clothes that Princesses were supposed to wear.

Now it was morning. Avu got ready and descended the stairs slowly and elegantly. Grandma was quiet impressed by Avu on seeing the changes in her. Avu came down and hugged Grandma and sat on the table for breakfast. When

Avu- good morning

Gm- Good Morning Avu. Sit down I have a surprise for you

Avu(excitedly)- what really grandma?

Gm- yes my bacha now quickly close your eyes

Avu did what grandma told her to and grandma kept a box in Avu's hand. Sensing the box in her hand Avu quickly opened her eyes and saw yeh box. She then opened the box and was shocked to see the latest model of IPhone.

Avu- grandma this is IPhone 12 it would be too expensive na?

Gm- Avu you are a Princess and you own this palace. This is just a small gift for your progress in your training. So keep it and do use it. Ok?

Avu- ok grandma thank you for this. Love you grandma(kissing her cheek)

Gm- good now let's have breakfast

They had breakfast and did the training. The day passed like this. At night before dinner Avu started her new mobile and explored it. Then she went to have dinner with her grandma. Both were having dinner while chit chatting with each other. When

Gm- Avu all this while we have focused on making you look like a Princess. I know you are a Princess from your heart as your inner beauty tells that but now it's time to make you look like a Princess from outside as well.

Avu- what do you mean grandma?

Gm- there will be someone coming tomorrow to visit us. She will make you look beautiful from outside as well. She will enhance your outer beauty. You got it now?

Avu- yes grandma. Don't worry I will be ready

Gm- also meet me tomorrow in the hall at 6 a.m. sharp. Don't be late

Avu- sure grandma I will be on time don't worry

Gm- umm Avu also wear workout outfit don't wear a Princess dress ok?

Avu- ok grandma 👵

Gm- good now I am going good night

Avu- good night grandma

They both went to their rooms and slept. Next morning Avu got ready in her gym or workout outfit and reached the hall by 6 a.m. sharp. Then


So Avu is getting more beautiful day by day

What will happen now?

Let's see

I know all the readers are excited to see Rosh's reaction

But you all have to wait a bit for that

Cause before that someone else is gonna visit Avu

Guess who will be they?

Keep reading to know more

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Signing off for the chapter


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