Chapter 30: Answer!

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Before starting the chapter I want to clear that only one of Bhav and Vish is a villain. Also this is Vishal Jethwa. So guess who is the villain. Comment down

Flashback ends

Sid got tears in his eyes remembering the moment. While Rosh was able to understand Sid's pain. She was silently consoling him when Avu, Bhav and Vish came and Avu said

Avu- Grandma I i am not ready for this marriage I just can't marry him I am very sorry

Gm- Avu beta i know that all this is sudden for you but plz think once again

Now this time Avu took a minute and Bhav was continuously looking at Avu. Vish was also looking towards her. Then Avu looked towards Bhav, Bish and then Sid with tears in her eyes. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath and said

Avu- ok Gm i am ready for this marriage but I have a condition

Hearing this Gm was very happy whereas Sid took a step back and then froze in shock. Rosh was also shocked but composed herself to handle Sid.

She looked towards Sid to see him in deep shock with tears in her eyes. She went to him and quietly started rubbing his back to calm him. Avu was also looking towards them. Then Gm said

Gm- Avu tell us your condition

Avu- Gm i don't want a grand wedding just a short one

Bhav's Gp(Grandpa)- ok then Farida ji(Gm) we will keep the marriage after two days. Bhav doesn't want any elaborate functions too. So we will just keep a simple marriage with just the close ones.

Gm- but what about engagement and other functions?

Avu- Gm i don't want them

Gm- ok beta your wish

They did some more planning and all this while one of Bhav and Vish was continuously smirking.

(Readers who do you think is smirking? Comment down)

Now the oldies were talking and the children were told to go and talk. Then Avu was going with Bhav and Vish but Rosh dragged her towards the garden where Sid was standing like a statue.

Avu saw Sid and Rosh then she understood what was coming. She was mentally preparing herself to answer them. Rosh made Avu stand in front of Sid and went to a side to listen to them.

As soon as Sid noticed Avu tears started flowing from his eyes while Avu was not looking at Sid. She was trying to act like everything was normal but nothing was normal at that time. By now Sid had lost his senses. He started saying

Sid(crying)- why did you say yes? Please tell me? If you wanted to marry that boy then why did you tell me to propose you? Why did you gave me fake hope? Why? Just tell me once that you are doing all this under pressure of Gm ryt? Please say this please

While saying the last line he fell on his knees crying by joining his hands in front of Avu and held her feet literally begging her.

Avu bent down and held Sid from his shoulders. She wiped his tears and made him stand properly. Sid hugged Avu crying on her shoulder. Avu forcefully separated him and said

Avu- Siddharth from now on stay a bit away from me. I am going to get married

Listening this Sid and Rosh were hell shocked. Then

Sid- you are not doing this from your own will ryt? You are doing this under pressure ryt? You are getting married because of Gm ryt? Pease answer me(crying)

Avu- Siddharth i am not doing anything under pressure. I have thought about it and I am ready for it. Moreover I know Bhav from before he is a very good friend of mine and I at least know him from more time I know you. Also I i like him too

Sid and Rosh just froze listening this. None of them expected this from Avu. Rosh was just thinking of why was she doing all this. When

Sid- then why did you give my fake expectations? Why did you come close to me? Showed that you love me? Why did you tell me to propose you?

Avu- i told you to propose me and then I will answer you I never told you what my answer will be. It could be a no as well as a yes and it's a NO. So it's better you move on. Also you can come to my marriage if you want to as I have none of my friends here except you, Rosh and Vish.

Saying this Avu left towards her room where Bhav and Vish had gone. While Sid and Rosh were not able to understand anything.

It was a lot for them to grasp. Rosh somehow controlled herself and took Sid from there to Nigam Mansion. Sid was in vulnerable condition.

When they entered then Nigam Mansion they saw....


Expected this?

What will happen now?

Let's see

Keep reading to know more

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Signing off for the day


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