Chapter 15: Ms. Nerdy Nerd and Ms. Slutty Slut

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After a while the students were in the college and media was gone. Naira and Jan took their timetables from the princi and proceeded towards their classes. The first class went by peacefully. The next class was a free period for the trio. Then

Avu- guys let's go to the canteen

Naira- ya and Avu you remember I told you that Karthik will be joining our school too?

Avu- ya di and I met him today as well when I was going to my class

Jan- ya we met jiju and he will be coming here only

Naira- ya i know that and along with him I have two best friends cum brothers here as well. They will also be coming.

Jan- but di you didn't tell me about anyone?

Naira- ya i forgot actually they were Karthik's best friends but now they are my best friends too

Avu- oh ok

The trio then took a table and sat there they were talking to each other when Rosh saw Avu and started going towards her. She had not noticed Naira and Jan till now.

Rosh- ohh see gurls who is here the Ms. Nerdy Nerd of our college


By now all the people were looking at them

Avu- why have you come here Roshni?

Rosh- oh so now you have the courage to question me as well huh? You bitch

Rosh was about to touch Avu's hair but before she could Avu held her hair and jerked it off and said

Avu(dangerously)- dont you dare touch me or else I will touch you in such a way that you the Ms. Slutty Slut of our college will never be able to do what you do with boys in your room. DO YOU GET THAT?

Rosh(scared but not showing)- you are not even my level you know very well that I can kick you out of this college with just one call

Avu(smirking)- Oh so now you are scared of me and you want to kick me out of the college but you can't tch tch

Rosh(angrily)- first of all just shut this fucking mouth of yours and how dare you call me Ms. Slutty Slut huh? And lastly I am NOT scared of you

Avu- I called you slutty slut because you called me nerdy nerd and I just said what you are Roshni and I can see sweat forming on your face this means you are scared

Rosh- you bitch(cut off by Avu)

Avu(gritting her teeth)- DONT. YOU. DARE

Rosh- you just wait and watch what I will do with you

Saying this Rosh called her dad and complained. In 5 minutes the principal was seen coming towards the canteen. There was a hush in the canteen. People were discussing what will happen with Avu now as they knew that Roshni was the daughter of the richest merchant of Ahemdabad. The principal came and said

Princi- Whats going on here?

Avu and Rosh were about to say something but before they could say Naira and Jan came forward and explained the matter to the princi. On hearing everything the princi said

Princi- Ms. Kaur it will be better if you apologize to Ms. Walia

Avu- but its not my fault so i wont apologize

Princi- I know but plz say sorry and end this matter

Avu- I am sorry sir but I won't

As soon as she said this Mr. Walia urf Rosh's dad came there and as soon as she saw that rosh fought with Avu he was shocked and embarrased. He said

Rd(Rosh's dad)- Rosh plz say sorry to maam and end this matter here

All were shocked to hear that including Avu and the princesses. All were wondering why rd addressed Avu as maam. Then

Rosh- dad why should I say sorry to this bitch and why are you calling her maam?

Rd- rosh you dont know her so just shut you mouth and say sorry

Avu(confused)- but how do you know who i am uncle?

Rd- who doesn't know you maam you are all over the news today

The trio were shocked and looked towards each other scared. Then only Karthik came and told the trio in low voice that

Karthik- guys its revealled that Avu is a princess

Avu- WHAT?

Jan- but how did this happen?

Rd- its in the newspaper

Rosh- dad but what is in the newspaper?

Rd- its written that Avneet maam is a princess and she is the daughter of the late king Amandeep Singh Nandra and late queen Sonia Nandra

All except the trio, karthik, rd and Sid were hell shocked. Then

Rosh- dad it cant be the truth she is an orphan who used to live in an orphanage

Sid- its the truth Rosh accept it

All were once again shocked except Avu as they got to know that Sid also knew it.

Rosh- how can you say that Sid?

Sid- cause my parents and her parents were best friends and I know this from before as I went to meet grandma and there I met her

Rosh- WHAT

Avu- yes

Rd- rosh now say sorry and end this matter so tht everyone can go back to their works

Rosh- I am sorry princess for misbehaving with you

Avu- its fine but uncle I would request you to pay some attention on building some values in her and plz tell her that even if she belongs from a rich family that doesnt mean that she can misbehave with anyone else

Rd- dont worry maam i will ensure this

Avu- hmm

With this everyone went back to their works. Rosh also left towards the washroom as she wasnt able to digest everything. After she went away...........


Now everyone knows that Avu is a Princess

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