Chapter 19: Why did you do that?

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Avu- I don't want to be alone with you

Sid(smirking and coming close)- why huh its not like I am gonna eat you up

They both were lost in each other's eyes due to their proximity. They were very close. Sid wasn't able to control much due to the proximity so he was leaning in while Avu was still lost in his eyes.

Sid was leaning in he was very close when he closed the gap between them and kissed Avu. Avu who was lost in Sid's eyes came back to her senses and saw Sid kissing her passionately. Her eyes widened as she realized what happened.

She tried to push Sid but he was to heavy for her. She had tears in her eyes because Sid stole something very important from her and that was her first kiss.

Every girl has a dream of sharing her first kiss with the person she loves but in Avu's case it wasn't like this. Her first kiss was stolen by someone who wasn't even her friend.

She was thinking that he is a play boy and he never changed he always had an eye on her. So he kissed her and that too without her permission. She was crying and pushed Sid with a huge force which made Sid fall on the ground breaking the kiss.

It was then when Sid realized what he had done. He was feeling guilty. He raised his head to look towards Avu. Seeing tears in her eyes made him even more guilty. Then

Avu(crying)- why did you do this? Why did you kiss me huh?

Sid- I. a..m.. so...rry

Avu(crying)- you are sorry huh? You stole my first kiss and you are sorry. Today I got to know your true colors. I know you are acting to change because you want me for my body ryt?

Sid- no no it's not like that I don't want your body

Avu- then why did you kiss me?

Sid was quiet as he did not wanted to burst out in front of her but Avu kept provoking him to tell and she kept crying. Now Sid was out of his senses so he blurted out the truth and said

Sid- cause I like you

Avu froze hearing this. She didn't except this from Sid. None of them was in their senses. So Avu said

Avu- you showed your colors didn't you. You just said that you are not friend for my body but what did you just say that you like me ryt? Then tell me why do you like me?

Sid- there is no reason to like someone Avneet I like you my heart says that and I really do. Till date I have never had a crush. You are my first crush and not only from a few days. I have a crush on you from the day I saw you for the first time. Yes I have been crushing on you from last 4 years. I have never told any girl that I like her except you cause you are the only girl I like

Avu(shocked)- t.this was me? (Stammering)

Sid- it's always been you and no one else. Why do you think I am in a relationship with Rosh I always used to make out in front of you just to make you jealous but my bad you were never jealous cause you never liked me. Forget about liking you still think of me just as a playboy who is after you for your body. But no baby you got me all wrong baby

Avu- then prove me wrong prove me that you really like me and you just don't have an infatuation for me

Sid- ok I will prove it but I want to tell you that I have never felt the sparks I feel around you with anyone else and you know what I always thought that it is just an attraction and nothing else but after a long war between my mind and heart I realized that I like you. I won't say I love you cause I myself am not sure but I am sure that the only girl in my heart after my mom is you and you will be there forever.

Saying this he left the canteen and went somewhere. Meanwhile Avu was hell confused she was thinking about what Sid said. Then


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